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UK Borderscapes: Sites of Enforcement and Resistance

Edited by: Kahina Le Louvier, Karen Latricia Hough

ISBN13: 9781032395500
Published: September 2023
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £39.99

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This book analyses bordering practices and their negative effects as well as the many creative and often grassroots ways in which borders are resisted and reinvented.

From the hostile environment to Brexit and the Nationality and Borders Bill, the UK border regime has become increasingly strict and complex, operating both at the edge of the state and within everyday life in unprecedented ways. At the same time, this securitisation approach is often contested, and its effects are fought daily by many groups and individuals. This book explores this tension, documenting and analysing how the contemporary UK border is imagined, constructed, deconstructed and reconstructed in multiple ways. To draw together the different pieces that compose this evolving and conflicting landscape, this book uses the concept of "borderscapes", which views borders as sites of multiple tensions between hegemonic, non-hegemonic, and counter-hegemonic imaginaries and practices. This lens enables contributors to draw a multifocal overview of the UK border that includes the different human and material actors that form it, the spaces and practices they shape, and the imaginaries and counter-imaginaries that emerge from their conflictual encounters.

Bringing together contributions by researchers from a variety of disciplines, this book will be of interest to scholars and students in the fields of migration and border studies, refugee studies, human geography, criminology, sociology and anthropology.

Immigration, Asylum, Refugee and Nationality Law
1. Introduction
Kahina Le Louvier, Karen Latricia Hough

2. From the Aliens Act to the ‘hostile environment’: The making of the British border control system
Evan Smith
3. Towards two-way integration: A comparative review of refugee integration strategies
Dan Fisher, Scot Hunter, Savan Qadir, Alison Phipps
4. Temporalities, dependencies and the politics of marriage migration
Eleonore Kofman, Elena Vacchelli
5. Rethinking access to asylum: Border-shifting, burden-shifting and externalisation of international protection in the light of the UK-Rwanda arrangement
Sonia Morano-Foadi, Micaela Malena
6. Politics of exhaustion at the UK border: Depoliticising suffering, invisibilising violence
Marta Welander
7. Cracks in the UK borderscape imaginary: Opportunism, fluidity, and contradictions in implementing migration controls abroad
Nicole Ostrand

8. Conflicting imaginaries of the UK border and self-bordering
Karen Latricia Hough, Kahina Le Louvier
9. Evaluations of ‘opportunity’ versus ‘risk’: Vietnamese migrants’ experiences and perceptions of the UK border
Tamsin Barber, Hai Nguyen, Phuc Nguyen
10. No longer marginal: Migrant rights activism and the confrontation with everyday borders
Don Flynn
11. Institutionalised resistance and everyday bordering
Kathryn Cassidy
12. The material politics of asylum support: Speed, intimacy and confusion
Dan Fisher, Sarah Hughes
13. Migrant women resisting borders through participatory arts
Laura Marziale, Rose Knight, the Stronger Together Leaders Fatiha, Felicia, Ijeoma, Khadidja, Lian, Lucie, Tracey Reynolds
14. Epilogue
Kahina Le Louvier, Karen Latricia Hough