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The Impact of Technology on the Criminal Justice System: A Psychological Overview

Edited by: Emily Pica, David Ross, Joanna Pozzulo

ISBN13: 9781032345659
Published: February 2024
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £66.99

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This comprehensive volume explores the impact of emerging technologies designed to fight crime and terrorism.

It first reviews the latest advances in detecting deception, interrogation, and crime scene investigation, before then transitioning to role of technology in collecting and evaluating evidence from lay witnesses, police body cameras, and super-recognizers. Finally it explores the role of technology in the courtroom: social media, citizen crime sleuths, virtual court, and child witnesses. It shines light on emerging issues, such as whether new norms have been created in the emergence of new technologies and how human behaviour has shifted in response. Based on a global range of contributions, this volume provides an overview of the technological explosion in the field of law enforcement and discusses its successes and failures in fighting crime.

It is valuable reading for advanced students in Forensic or Legal Psychology and for practitioners, researchers, and scholars in law, criminal justice, and criminology.

Part 1: Advances in Detecting Deception, Interrogation, and Crime Scene Investigation
1. Do Automated and Virtual Interrogation and Deception Detection Systems Work?
Kirk Luther, Valerie Arenzon, Ashley Curtis, Hannah de Almeida, Joshua Hachey, and Jessica Lundy
2. The Emergence of Police Real-Time Crime Centers
Johnny Nhan
3. Facial Recognition Software for Lead Generation and Lineup Construction
Lauren E. Thompson
4. Advances and Future Prospects in Evolving Face Matching Technologies for Crime Prevention and Investigation
Tia Bennett, Harriet M. J. Smith, and Heather D. Flowe
5. Insanity Evaluations in the Age of Neuroimaging
Michael J. Vitacco and Savanna Coleman
6. A Decade of Evolution in the Forensic Investigative Field: A South African Overview
Bernadine Benson, Juanida Horne, and Gideon Jones

Part 2: Collecting and Evaluating Eyewitness Evidence from Lay Witnesses, Police Body Cameras, and Super-recognizers
7. Who are you looking at? Using eye tracking to understand eyewitness decision making
Jamal K. Mansour and Jonathan P. Vallano
8. Understanding Eyewitness Testimony with Virtual Reality
Markus Bindemann and Matthew C. Fysh
9. Facial Composite Technology and Eyewitness Identification
Graham Pike
10. Technological Advances in the Administration of Lineups
Tia Bennett, Madeleine P. Ingham, Melissa F. Colloff, Harriet M.J. Smith, and Heather D. Flowe
11. Using Body-Worn Camera Footage to Remember Use-of-Force Incidents
Craig Bennell, Simon Baldwin, Andrew Brown, and Ariane-Jade Khanizadeh
12. “Super-recognisers” and the Legal System
Emma Portch, Janice Attard-Johnson, Alejandro J. Estudillo, Natalie Mestry and Sarah Bate

Part 3: Technology in the Courtroom: Social Media, Citizen Crime Sleuths, Virtual Court, and Child Witnesses
13. Digitally-Networked Sleuthing: Online Platforms, Netizen Detectives, and
Bottom-up Investigations
James P. Walsh
14. The Virtual Court: Implications for Eyewitnesses and Beyond
Eryn J. Newman, Bethany Muir, and Nericia Brown
15. The Impact of Technology on Jurors’ Decisions
Emma Rempel and Tara Burke
16. The CSI Effect and its Impact on the Legal System, Policy, and Practice
Kimberley Schanz
17. Is Facial Recognition Software a Solution to the Negative Effects of Social Media on Eyewitness Testimony?
Heather M. Kleider-Offutt and Beth B. Stevens
18. Developmental Psychology and Law in the Digital Era: Emerging Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities
I-An Su and Stephen J. Ceci