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Discrimination and Employment Law: International Legal Perspectives

Edited by: Jo Carby-Hall, Zbigniew Goral, Aneta Tyc

ISBN13: 9781032308470
Published: August 2024
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2022)
Price: £39.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781032308463

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Presenting the issues of discrimination in employment in a multifaced manner, this book examines the standards on anti-discrimination law for employment at international and EU levels, and those deriving from national jurisdictions. Bringing together top scholars in the field of anti-discrimination employment law, this book explains the conceptual and theoretical foundations of the principle of non-discrimination in employment and assesses the most significant changes to law and ongoing challenges in the Netherlands, Poland, Germany, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, India, Switzerland, Israel. Identifying emerging trends in anti-discrimination employment law, this book offers a comparative, problem-solving approach and an in-depth analysis of new developments in both anti-discrimination statutory law and case law. Addressing employment law with a focus on anti-discrimination law and human rights law, this book will be essential reading for students, academics and practitioners working in the field of labour and employment law, anti-discrimination law and human rights law, and offers an international comparative overview of the most up-to-date issues relating to discrimination.

Employment Law, Discrimination Law
Foreword - Professor The Lord Parekh of Hull
"International Legal Perspectives on Discrimination in Employment Law: An Introductory Overview" (Joseph Roger Carby-Hall, Zbigniew Góral, Aneta Tyc)

Part I. Employment Discrimination Law in the European Union and its Member States
"It’s all Relative?" Role of Comparison in Terms of Equality in Employment Under EU law", Dr. Szilvia Halmos (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest-Metropolitan General Court)
"Dutch Equal Treatment Law: A Sophisticated Field of Law", Dr. Susanne Burri (Utrecht University)
"The German Law on Discrimination in Employment", Professor Manfred Weiss (Goethe-Universität, Germany)
“The “other” discriminatory criteria: Unregulated in the Polish Labour Code but clarified by case law”, Dr. Aneta Tyc (University of Łódź)

Part II. Facets of Employment Discrimination in Common Law Jurisdictions
"Philosophical Beliefs as Protected Characteristics in British Discrimination Law: An Evolutionary Tract and its Consequences", Professor Joseph Roger Carby-Hall (University of Hull)
"Employment Discrimination in Australia: The challenges of pursuing a substantive equality approach", Professor Therese MacDermott (Macquarie University)
"The Changing Face of Discrimination in Aotearoa/New Zealand", Professor Gordon Anderson and Dr. Dawn Duncan (Victoria University of Wellington)

Part III. Facets of Employment Discrimination in Other Parts of the World
"The Erasure of Sexual Harassment: Recourse for Sexual Harassment under Labour Law Frameworks in Québec", Professor Rachel Cox (UQAM - Université du Québec à Montréal)
"Legal Instruments Against Discrimination in Employment in Switzerland", Professor Kurt Pärli (University of Basel)
"Transformative Equality and Disability Based Discrimination in Employment: A Case Study from India", Professor Nimushakavi Vasanthi (NALSAR University of Law)
"Gender Discrimination in Israel", Professor Raphael Cohen-Almagor (University of Hull) (co-author: Dr. Uki Maroshek-Klarman, Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace in Israel)
"Discrimination in Employment Law: Key Themes and Perspectives" (Joseph Roger Carby-Hall, Zbigniew Góral, Aneta Tyc)