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EU Antitrust Law and Sport Governance: The Next Frontier?

Edited by: Jacob Kornbeck

ISBN13: 9781032306346
Published: December 2022
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £35.99

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This is the first book to examine the significance of European Union antitrust law for the future of sport in Europe.

Drawing on multi-disciplinary perspectives from law, economics, sport management and politics, and including case studies about the European Super League (ESL) and the International Skating Union, the book explores key themes in contemporary sport, including governance, ownership and control; the European sport model; the regulatory autonomy of sports organisations; and the relationship between public policy, the law and sport.

This is important reading for any advanced student, researcher, policy-maker or practitioner with an interest in sport management, sport law, European law or European politics.

Competition Law, Sports Law, EU Law
1. Introduction: The Slow Yet Steady Rise of EU Sports Antitrust Law (1982-2022)
Jacob Kornbeck
2. A Motor of Change? EU Antitrust Law and Sports Governance from Meca-Medina to the European Super League
Ben Van Rompuy
3. The International Skating Union Case: On a Mission to Defend the Weaker Party?
Rusa Agafonova
4. The Super League Concept in European Football in the Light of EU Competition Law
Dennis Cukurov
5. The Application of Antitrust Legislation by Swiss Courts in Cases Involving International Sports Governing Bodies
Margareta Baddeley
6. Should Organising Premier-Level European Football Be a Monopoly? And Who Should Run It? - An Economists’ Perspective
Oliver Budzinski and Arne Feddersen
7. On the Economic and Legal Stakes of Independent Sport Leagues: The Case of Football
Mickaël Terrien and Jean-Loup Chappelet
8. Antitrust Law, Sport and the European Social Model: An Olympic Choice
Walter Palmer
9. Conclusion: EU Antitrust Law and the Future of the Sports Pyramid and the ‘One Federation’ Principle
Jacob Kornbeck