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Food Safety and Technology Governance

ISBN13: 9781032222806
Published: August 2022
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £135.00

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Recent advances in agri-food technology have brought about increasing complexity and emerging challenges to food safety regulation and governance, with many countries greatly divided in their regulatory approaches. As more advanced CRISPR based gene-editing technologies, and novel foods such as cloned animal products, non-traditional plants, nanofood, and plant-based meat are rapidly being developed, debates arise as to whether the existing models of governance require revision to ensure consumer safety. Of equal importance is the extensive use of pesticides, additives, and animal drugs which raise concerns over the methods and approaches of government approval and phasing out of potentially risk-causing chemicals. Heightened public criticism of food safety and technology poses a significant challenge to governments around the world, which struggle to strike a proper balance between technocracy- and democracy-oriented risk governance models.

Drawing on expertise from the United States, European Union, Japan, China, Korea, Association of South East Asian Nations, Malaysia, and Taiwan, this book explores existing and emerging issues of food law and policy in the context of technology governance to offer an overarching framework for the interaction between food regulation and technology.

It will be essential reading for academics, students and practitioners with an interest in food law and policy, agricultural law and policy and food safety and nutrition studies.

Agricultural Law
Kuei-Jung Ni And Ching-Fu Lin: Introduction
Part I. Rethinking Risk Governance and Food Safety: Principles and Approaches
Kuei-Jung Ni: Phasing out Certain Antibiotics in Food Animals: the U.S. Approach in light of Precaution and Cost-benefit Analysis
Alie de Boer: The Role of Scientific Evidence in European Food Assessments
Neal D. Fortin: Regulating Gene-technology in Food: American Approach and Practice
Part II. Emerging Technologies and their Ramifications for Food Safety Governance
Kai-Chih Chang: The Impacts of Cross-border E-Commerce Activities on the Enforcement of SPS Measures: The Chink in the Armor?
Ching-Fu Lin: Blockchainizing Food Law: Promises and Perils of Incorporating Distributed Ledger Technologies to Food Safety, Traceability, and Sustainability Governance
Steph Tai: The Legal Definition of Meat
Part III. Regulatory Options for Foods Derived from Genome-Editing Technology and Novel Materials
Wen-Shen Chu and Pei-kan Yang: Regulation of Gene-edited Products
Juanjuan Sun:, The Regulation of Novel Food in China: The Tendency of Deregulation
Yuan Hung Tseng: Revisiting Novel Food Regulation
Muhammad Nizam Awang and Sharifudin Md Shaarani: Regulatory Responses to the use of Nano-scale Substance in Food in ASEAN
Part IV. Health/Functional Foods Regulation in Comparative Perspective
Tomiko Yamaguchi: Contested discourses of the use of health foods in Japan
Yeh-Han Wang: Effective Health Foods Versus Ineffective Drugs: Governing and Marketing Glucosamine Products in Taiwan
Eunjeong Ma: Classification as a technology of governance: food or drug in South Korea