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Bioethics: Foundations, Applications and Future Challenges

Edited by: Irene Cambra-Badii, Aida Ester Busquets-Alibés, Nuria Terribas-Sala, Josep-Eladi Banos

ISBN13: 9781032217550
Published: December 2023
Publisher: CRC Press
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Hardback
Price: £105.00

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The aim of this book is to introduce and discuss bioethics in a three-synergistic way: from the foundations to the current debates in relation to healthcare and social bioethics, and thereafter the possible future challenges. In this sense, the target audience can be from diverse disciplines: life and medical sciences, law, philosophy, psychology, and education. The book will be useful to high school students, in their first contacts with bioethics, college students, teachers and researchers, and the general public interested in these controversial debates of the past, present and future of bioethics.

Medical Law and Bioethics
Towards a Definition of Bioethics as a Discipline
Carlo Orefice
History of Bioethics
Josep E. Baños and Elena Guardiola
The Principlist Approach in Bioethics
Ester Busquets-Alibés and Lydia Feito

Bioethics in Biomedical Research
Magí Farré and Josep E. Baños
Unresolved Problems in Bioethics: The Beginning and End of Life
Núria Terribas-Sala
Ethics of Health Care Allocation of Resources. The Case of Organ Transplantation
Marius Morlans Molina and Marc Antoni Broggi Trias
Social Bioethics
Begoña Román Maestre

Challenges in Biomedical Areas
Salvador Macip and Christopher Willmott
Roles and Challenges for Clinical Ethics Committees and Clinical Ethics Consultation Systems
María Bernardita Portales Velasco and Juan Pablo Beca Infante
Critical Bioethical Approach to Health Crisis Scenarios
Eduardo Diaz Amado
The Challenge of Teaching Bioethics
Irene Cambra-Badii