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Violence Against Women Criminological Perspectives on Men’s Violence 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781032214597
To be Published: June 2025
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £39.99

Providing an overview of different forms of violence against women, this second edition has been significantly updated to reflect the changes that have taken place in recent years.

Much has changed since the publication of the first edition, which is reflected throughout this new volume. It is organised thematically into three parts – men’s violence against women in relationships (Part 1), in the family (Part 2), and in public spaces (Part 3) – and every chapter has been thoroughly revised and updated. New chapters have also been added, covering sexual harassment and misconduct in the workplace, on the night-time economy including spiking, and violence against women in cyberspace. The book covers the main forms of violence against women. Looking at it from a research, policy, and practice perspective, this book widens the lens through which we view men’s violence against women.

Violence Against Women is an essential reading for social scientists who want to be up to date with cutting-edge knowledge on this topic. It is also an invaluable text for those training to enter or become qualified in the specialist domestic and sexual violence sector.

Part 1: Men’s violences in relationships
Chapter 1. Intimate partner homicide
Chapter 2. Physical Forms of Partner Violence
Chapter 3. Sexual Violence by Partners
Chapter 4. Non-physical forms of abuse: Coercive and controlling behaviours, economic abuse, and harassment

Part 2: Men’s violence in the family
Chapter 5. Violence Against Mothers and Grandmothers
Chapter 6. Forced Marriage
Chapter 7. ‘Honour’-Based Violence and Killings
Chapter 8. Female Genital Mutilation
Chapter 9. Child Sexual Abuse

Part 3: Men’s violences in public spaces
Chapter 10. Violence against women on the streets
Chapter 11. Sexual Harassment and Misconduct in the Workplace
Chapter 12. Sexual violence and misconduct in Higher Education Institutions
Chapter 13. Unwanted sexual attention and spiking in the night-time economy
Chapter 14. Violence and abuse against women in cyberspace

Afterword: On Outrage