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Procedures for Licensing Authority Officers

ISBN13: 9781032179599
Published: September 2021
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2015)
Price: £45.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781138904637

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Licensing law is a wide ranging , detailed and complex body of law within the UK. This book comes at a time when local authorities are required to consider and approve, or reject, applications for an increasing number and very wide range of licences. The book provides easy to read, and easy to follow procedures for a wide range of licences which local authorities and other public bodies are required by law to consider and issue.

Each chapter addresses a distinct topic and the book includes guidance on local authority and court procedures. The main legal procedures used in the licensing field are presented as flow charts supported by explanatory text.

Licensing professionals and students will find this essential reading. It will also be a valuable reference for all those whose responsibilities demand they keep abreast of current licensing practices.

Licensing Law
Part 1 - Licensing legal structure and process
Part 2 - Public Health
2.1 Animal welfare
2.2 Registration of food premises
2.3 Skin piercing and other special treatments
Part 3 - Public Safety
3.1 Alcohol and entertainment licences
3.2 Children's performance licence
3.3 Fireworks and explosives
3.4 Gambling Act 2005
3.5 Highway and Pavement licences
3.6 House to House Collections
3.7 Pleasure boat licensing
3.8 Poisons licence
3.10 Sports ground safety certificate
3.11 Street collections
3.12 Street trading
3.13 Taxi licensing
Part 4 - Housing licensing
4.1 Selective licensing of residential accommodation
4.2 Licensing of houses in multiple occupation
4.3 Licensing of camping sites
4.4 Licensing of caravan sites
Part 5 – Environment
5.1 Environmental permitting
5.2 Scrap Metal Licenses
Part 6 – Miscellaneous
6.1 Premises approval for civil marriage or civil partnership
6.2 Weighbridge Operator Registration