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Routledge Handbook of Mental Health Law

Edited by: Brendan D. Kelly, Mary Donnelly

ISBN13: 9781032128375
Published: October 2023
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £230.00

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Mental health law is a rapidly evolving area of practice and research, with growing global dimensions. This work reflects the increasing importance of this field, critically discussing key issues of controversy and debate, and providing up-to-date analysis of cutting-edge developments in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas, and Australia.

This is a timely moment for this book to appear. The United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) sought to transform the landscape in which mental health law is developed and implemented. This Convention, along with other developments, has, to varying degrees, informed sweeping legislative reforms in many countries around the world. These and other developments are discussed here. Contributors come from a wide range of countries and a variety of academic backgrounds including ethics, law, philosophy, psychiatry, and psychology. Some contributions are also informed by lived experience, whether in person or as family members. The result is a rich, polyphonic, and sometimes discordant, account of what mental health law is and what it might be.

The Handbook is aimed at mental health scholars and practitioners as well as students of law, human rights, disability studies, and psychiatry, and campaigners and law- and policy-makers.

Mental Health Law
List of figures
List of tables
Mary Donnelly and Brendan D. Kelly

Part 1: Background and Context
1: History and Development of Mental Health Law
Brendan D. Kelly
2: Independent Mental Health Monitoring: Evaluating the Care Quality Commission in England’s Approach to Regulation, Rights and Risks
Judy Laing
3: The Relationship between Ethics and Law in Mental Healthcare
Louise Campbell

Part 2: European and International Standards
4: The European Court’s Incremental Approach to the Protection of Liberty, Dignity and Autonomy
Anna Nilsson
5: The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Mental Health Law: Requirements and Responses
Suzanne Doyle Guilloud
6: Responses to the World Health Organization’s QualityRights Initiative
Richard Duffy

Part 3: Specific Groups
7: Children’s Mental Health Care: Decision-Making and Human Rights
Camilla Parker
8: People with Learning Disability: Scotland and Beyond
Jill Stavert
9: Mental Health Laws and Older Adults
Penelope Weller
10: Abuse, Neglect and Adult Safeguarding in the Context of Mental Health and Disability
Laura Pritchard-Jones
11: The Use of Trans-Related Diagnoses in Healthcare and Legal Gender Recognition: From Disease- to Identity-Based Models
Pieter Cannoot and Sarah Schoentjes
12: Personality Disorder in Mental Health and Criminal Law
Ailbhe O’Loughlin

Part 4: Forensic Psychiatry and Criminal Law
13: Mental illness and Criminal Law: Irreconcilable Bedfellows?
Jill Peay
14: The Principles of Forensic Psychology and Criminal Law – An American Perspective
Eric Y. Drogin
15: Mental capacity in Forensic Psychiatry
Stefano Ferracuti and Giovanna Parmigiani
16: Capturing Mental Health Issues in International Criminal Law and Justice: The Input of the International Criminal Court
Caroline Fournet

Part 5: Issues, Controversies, Challenges
17: Decision-making Capacity in Mental Health Law
Alex Ruck Keene and Katherine Reidy
18: Risk of Harm and Involuntary Psychiatric Treatment
Matthew Large, Sascha Callaghan and Christopher James Ryan
19: Compulsory Community Treatment: Is it the Least Restrictive Alternative?
John Dawson
20: Socio-economic Inclusion and Mental Health Law
Terry Carney
21: The Right to Mental Health
Brendan D. Kelly
22: Mental Health, Discrimination and Employment Law
Mark Bell
23: Family in Mental Health Law: Responding to Relationality
Mary Donnelly
24: Consenting for Prevention: The Ethics of Ambivalent Choice in Psychiatric Genomics
Camillia Kong

Part 6: Developments in Specific Regions and Jurisdictions
25: Change or Improvement? Mental Health Law Reform in Africa
Heléne Combrinck
26: Mental Health Law and Practice in Ghana: An Examination of Act 846
Lily Kpobi, Charlotte Kwakye-Nuako and Leveana Gyimah
27: Regulating Mental Health Care in South Africa: Assessing the Right to Legal Capacity and the Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health in South African Law and Policy
Elizabeth Kamundia and Ilze Grobbelaar-du Plessis
28: Untapped Potential of China’s Mental Health Law Reform
Bo Chen
29: Colonisation, history and the evolution of mental health legislation in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh
Sangeeta Dey and Graham Mellsop
30: India’s Mental Healthcare Act, 2017 – A Promise for Transformation and Radical Change
Arjun Kapoor and Manisha Shastri
31: An alternative to mental health law: the Mental Capacity Act (Northern Ireland) 2016
Gavin Davidson
32: Argentina, Chile, Columbia and Peru: Mental Health Law and Legal Capacity
Pablo Marshall
33: Mental Health Policies in Spanish and Portuguese Speaking South American Countries
Carla Aparecida Arena Ventura

Part 7: Future Directions
34: Inter-disciplinary Collaboration in the Mental Health Sector: The Role of Law
Bernadette McSherry
35: The Mental Health and Justice Project: reflections on strong interdisciplinarity
Gareth Owen
36: ‘Digitising the Mental Health Act’: Are we facing the app-ification and platformisation of coercion in mental health services?
Piers Gooding
37: Mental Health Law: A Global Future?
Jean V. McHale
38: The Future of Mental Health Law: Abolition or Reform?
Kay Wilson
39: The Future of Mental Health Law - The Need for Deeper Examination and Broader Scope
Tania L. Gergel