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The Routledge Handbook of Women's Experiences of Criminal Justice

Edited by: Isla Masson, Natalie Booth

ISBN13: 9781032064307
Published: October 2022
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £195.00

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This Handbook brings together the voices of a range of contributors interested in the many varied experiences of women in criminal justice systems, and who are seeking to challenge the status quo.

Although there is increasing literature and research on gender, and certain aspects of the criminal justice system (often Western focused), there is a significant gap in the form of a Handbook that brings together these important gendered conversations. This essential book explores research and theory on how women are perceived, handled, and experience criminal justice within and across different jurisdictions, with particular consideration of gendered and disparate treatment of women as law-breakers. There is also consideration of women’s experiences through an intersectional lens, including race and class, as well as feminist scholarship and activism. The Handbook contains 47 unique chapters with nine overarching themes (Lessons from history and theory; Routes into the criminal justice system; Intersectionality; Sentencing and the courts and community punishments; Specific offences; Incarcerated women’s experiences; Mothers and families; Rehabilitation and reintegration; Practitioner relationships), and each theme includes contributions from different countries as well as the experiences of contributors from different stages in their own journey.

International and interdisciplinary in scope, this Handbook is essential reading for scholars and students of criminology, sociology, social policy, social work, and law. It will also be of interest to practitioners, such as social workers, probation officers, prison officers, and policy makers.

Criminal Law, Criminology
A. Lessons from history and theory
1. Women Offenders and the Risk Lens
Hazel Kemshall, De Montfort University, England
2. Womanhood as Weakness, or Why Witches Were Women
Trace Maddox, Cornell Law School, USA
3. The History of Incarcerated Women in Aotearoa New Zealand Fairleigh Gilmour and Kirsten Gibson, University of Otago, Aotearoa New Zealand
4. Women’s Desistance: A Review of the Literature Through a Gendered Lens
Madeline Petrillo, Portsmouth University, England and Jessica Cleary, University of Stirling, Scotland
5. Infanticide Cases, Expert Evidence, and the Sympathetic Jury, in Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century England
Rachel Dixon, University of Hull, England
6. Wholly culpable or wholly innocent: judicial outcomes of women tried for homicide in late medieval Yorkshire
Stephanie Brown, University of Cambridge, England
7. Perpetrators and Victims: Women, double deviance and the criminal justice system
Vicky Seaman, Cork Alliance Centre and Orla Lynch, University College Cork, Ireland
B. Routes into the criminal justice system
8. The problem with “Canada”: Colonial violence and the over incarceration of Indigenous women
Tenzin Butsang, University of Toronto, Canada
9. ‘She should have known’ – but how?: Commercial sexual exploitation, agency, structure and the victim-offender overlap
Alexandra Baxter, Flinders University, Australia
10. Understanding women entry routes into criminality and the need for a person centred approach to reduce re-offending
Zinthiya Ganeshpanchan, Zinthiya Trust, England
11. Care-experienced women in the criminal justice system: understanding the care-crime connection
Claire Fitzpatrick, University of Lancaster, Katie Hunter, University of Lancaster, Jo Staines, University of Bristol and Julie Shaw, Liverpool John Moores University, England
12. Family violence, homelessness and criminalised women: accounting for systemic violence in the post-release milieu
Rebecca Bunn, University of Melbourne and Elisa Buggy, Flat Out Inc, Australia
C. Intersectionality
13. Muslim women moving on from crime
Alexandria Bradley, Leeds Beckett University, Sofia Buncy, Muslim Women in Prison Project and Sarah Goodwin, Sheffield Hallam University, England
14. The Multiple and Complex Needs of Female Prison Leavers in Wales: implications for homelessness services
Caroline Gorden, Wrexham Glyndŵr University, Wales and Kelly Lockwood, University of Salford, England
15. Making visible the invisibalised voices of criminalised women and girls
Debbie Kilroy, Sisters Inside and Tabitha Lean, National Network of Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls, Australia
16. Women, Religion and Criminal Justice in Ireland Lynsey Black, Maynooth University, Ireland
17. Women’s Experiences of Criminal Justice System in Pursuit of Inheritance: Voices from Pakistan
Iram Rasheed, University of Management and Technology, Pakistan
D. Sentencing and the courts and community punishments
18. Pink Punishment: The Curious Case of Punishment Within Women’s Centres
Gemma Ahearne, University of Liverpool, England
19. Experiences of Community Supervision: Giving a voice to Female service Users
Natalie Rutter, Leeds Trinity University and Julie Eden, University of Portsmouth, England
20. Remanding women: exploring the scope for using a therapeutic jurisprudence framework in the bail remand decision-making process
Lisa Mary Armstrong, University of Strathclyde, Scotland
21. Being a girl: does it matter in the Belgian Youth Court?
Sofie De Bus, Brussels University, Belgium
22. Young Women in Court - A Study of gendered Court Room Practices in Norway
Elisabeth Fransson, University College of Correctional Services, Norway
23. Improving court outcomes and probation services for women
Carly Lightowlers and Nicole Benefer, University of Liverpool, England
E. Specific offences
24. Violence against Women and Femicide in “juridical discourse” in Italy: the analysis of a corpus of sentences (2010-2016)
Alessandra Dino, University of Palermo, Italy
25. Domestic abuse as a driver to women’s offending
Jo Roberts, University of Bristol, England
26. The sex industry, public discourse, policy and injustice Mandy Shaw, Leeds Beckett University, England
27. Social Harm and the Criminalisation of Abortion
Goretti Horgan and Linda Moore, Ulster University, Northern Ireland
28. The meaning and impact of gender in sentencing murder cases in Poland
Anna Matczak, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands and Emilia Rekosz-Cebula, University of Silesia, Poland
29. Being female sex offenders inside the criminal justice system: the Colombian case
Angie Borda-Montenegro, National University of Colombia, Colombia
30. Digital data and rape cases
Jo Smith, University of Brighton and Hannah Couchman, Rights of Women, England
F. Incarcerated women’s experiences
31. Punishing Disability: The Lived Experience of Incarcerated Women with Cognitive Disabilities in Australian Prisons
Julie-Anne Toohey, University of Adelaide, Australia
32. Incarcerated Women and the Capabilities Approach
Patricia Pérez, University of Valparaíso, Chile
33. Incarcerated women’s experiences in Spain
Carmen Navarro, Anna Meléndez and Jenny Cubells, University of Barcelona, Spain
34. Examining peer mentoring for women in prison: experiences of power, control and reliving past trauma
Melissa Henderson and Rosie Meek, Royal Holloway University, England
35. Gender-specific strategies of adaptation to imprisonment in a Lithuanian women’s correctional facility
Rūta Vaičiūnienė and Artūras Tereškinas, Law Institute of Lithuania, Lithuania
36. Narratives of resistance within day to day prison life, from our lived experience perspective
Michaela Booth, Care UK and Paula Harriott, Prison Reform Trust England
G. Mothers and families
37. Lived Realities of Spouses of Incarcerated Husbands in India
Rashmi Choudhury, Raksha Shakti University, India
38. Intergenerational trauma: The disruptive effects of imprisonment on mothers and their children
Sophie Mitchell, University of Northumbria, England
39. Reproductive rights on the inside
Emma Milne, Durham University and Vicki Dabrowski University of York, England
40. Mother-infant separations in prison: Why does ‘context matter’?
Klare Martin and Claire Powell, University College London, England
41. Prison Nurseries: Contradictions within Confinement
Jacqui Johnson, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
42. (Wo)men in the middle; the gendered job of supporting prisoners
Isla Masson, University of Leicester and Natalie Booth, Bath Spa University, England
H. Rehabilitation and reintegration
43. Women, the pains of imprisonment and public health interventions
Jennifer Ferguson and Maggie Leese, Teeside University, Scotland
44. Beyond the Prison Gates and Media Headlines: Media Portrayals of Women in Prison and the Lasting Impact on Reintegration
Faith Gordon, The Australian National University, Australia
45. The complicated relationship between motherhood and desistance
Lucy Baldwin, De Montfort University, England
46. A Darker Tale of Exceptionalism: How Punitive Drug Policies Impact on Women’s Experiences of Desistance in Sweden
Robin Gålnander, Stockholm University and Linnéa Österman, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
47. Accounting for the gendered nature of the ‘collateral consequences’ of a criminal record
Nicola Collett, De Montfort University, England
48. A New ‘Emancipatory Script’: gendered post-sentence discrimination and experiences of reintegration
Caroline Bald, University of Essex, Rachel Tynan, Unlock and Olivia Dehnavi, Working Chance, England
49. Experiencing the Criminal Legal System as a Girl: Lessons from Feminist Pathways Theory, Case Studies, Gender-Responsiveness, and Trauma-Informed Care
Nicole McKenna; Valerie Anderson, Eurielle Kiki and Destinee Starcher, University of Cincinnati, USA
I. Practitioner relationships
50. Incarcerated Women’s Experiences of Trust in Staff-Prisoner Relationships in an Open Prison Environment
Sarah Waite, Sheffield Hallam University, England
51. Encountering police on the streets: The narratives of marginalized women in Nigeria
Ediomo-Ubong Ekpo Nelson, Centre for Research and Information on Substance Abuse and Aniekan Sampson Brown, University of Uyo, Nigeria
52. Women experiences of community sanctions: A view from Spain
Cristina Vasilescu, University of Girona, Spain
53. ‘I don’t know where to fit... how to fit back in... as a mum... as a person’: An exploration of the resettlement experiences of women who have served short-term custodial sentences
Laura Haggar, University of Portsmouth, England
54. ‘She has nothing really when she goes out of prison.’: Community-based practitioners’ perceptions of young women’s pathways into the criminal justice system in Scotland
Annie Crowley, University of Stirling, Scotland
55. 'Women in the Police; why are we applying to be police staff, and not police officers?'
Cheney Perry, University of Portsmouth, England Conclusion

Series: Routledge International Handbooks

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