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Digital Totalitarianism: Algorithms and Society

Edited by: Michael Filimowicz

ISBN13: 9781032002415
Published: February 2022
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £49.99

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Digital Totalitarianism: Algorithms and Society focuses on important challenges to democratic values posed by our computational regimes: policing the freedom of inquiry, risks to the personal autonomy of thought, NeoLiberal management of human creativity and the collapse of critical thinking with the social media fueled rise of conspiranoia.

Digital networks allow for a granularity and pervasiveness of surveillance by government and corporate entities. This creates power asymmetries where each citizen’s daily ‘data exhaust’ can be used for manipulative and controlling ends by powerful institutional actors. This volume explores key erosions in our fundamental human values associated with free societies by covering government surveillance of library-based activities, cognitive enhancement debates, the increasing business orientation of art schools, and the proliferation of conspiracy theories in network media.

Scholars and students from many backgrounds, as well as policy makers, journalists and the general reading public will find a multidisciplinary approach to questions of privacy and encryption encompassing research from Communication, Rhetoric, Library Sciences, Art and New Media.

Data Protection, Law and Society
1. Radical Resistance: Libraries, Defiance, and Data Surveillance
Amanda C. Roth Clark and Sophia E. Du Val
2. Urgent Ethical Issues in the Cognitive Enhancement Debate: Autonomy, Mental Privacy, and Freedom of Thought
Ozum Ucok-Sayrak
3. Impersonal Computing: from Art School to Business Hub in four decades
Eleanor Dare
4. The Plandemic and its Apostles: Conspiracy theories in Pandemic Mode
Raúl Rodríguez-Ferrándiz