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AI versus IP: Rewriting Creativity

ISBN13: 9781009646840
To be Published: June 2025
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £30.99

As artificial intelligence continues to advance, it poses a threat to the very foundations of intellectual property. In AI versus IP, Robin Feldman offers a balanced perspective on the challenges we face at the intersections of AI and IP. The book examines how the advancement of AI threatens to undermine what we choose to protect with intellectual property, such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets, and how it derives its value. Using analogies such as the value of diamonds and the myths that support intangible rights, the book proposes potential solutions to ensure a peaceful co-existence between AI and IP. AI and IP can co-exist, Feldman argues, but only with effort and forethought.

Intellectual Property Law

Part I. Background on AI and IP:
1. An overview of artificial intelligence
2. An overview of intellectual property

Part II. Hot Topics in AI and IP:
3. Do training models infringe copyright?
4. What to do when AI creates
5. Right of publicity and deep fakes

Part III. The Deeper Problem for IP:
6. Shrinking the pool
7. Shrinking the value proposition

Part IV. Pathways Forward:
8. The allegory of the diamond
9. Preserving value by limiting
10. Preserving value by certification
