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Land Rights Now: Global Voices on Indigenous Peoples and Land Justice

Edited by: William Nikolakis

ISBN13: 9781009521574
To be Published: August 2025
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £29.99

Land rights for Indigenous Peoples are a global phenomenon and have become an important part of the liberal democratic state. But despite the promise of restoring land rights to Indigenous Peoples, most land justice frameworks have preserved the status quo in what is a slow and arduous process. In this work, William Nikolakis draws from the diverse experiences of Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars and legal practitioners across the world to document both persistent barriers to 'Land Back' as well as opportunities to move forward for land justice. By bringing these voices together, Nikolakis seeks to share lessons from the land justice movement with the goal of advancing land rights for Indigenous Peoples across the world.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties
1. 'Land back': indigenous peoples and land rights - William Nikolakis
2. The elusive promise of indigenous land rights in Paraguay: achievements, challenges and current trends - Joel E. Correia, Rodrigo Villagra-Carron and Marcos Glauser
3. Recognizing and reclaiming indigenous peoples' constitutional land rights in Brazil: challenges and opportunities - Fernanda Frizzo Bragato and Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum
4. Indigenous peoples and territorial rights in Colombia: advances and challenges in the 'implementation gap' - Omaira Bolaños Cárdenas and Ricardo Camilo Niño Izquierdo
5. Indigenous land rights in Chile: dispossession, misrecognition and litigation - Alexandra Tomaselli
6. Aboriginal land rights in Australia: neither national nor uniform - Francis Markham and Heidi Norman
7. Dispossession by treaty, dispossession by statute: indigenous title in Eastern and Western Canada - Daniel Diamond and Douglas Sanderson (Amo Binashii)
8. Mâori land law in Aotearoa New Zealand: recognizing land as tâonga tuku iho - Carwyn Jones and Sandra Cortés Acosta
9. Land rights of indigenous peoples in the democratic Republic of Congo: 'first come, last served' - Lassana Koné
10. San land rights in Botswana: a critical analysis - Robert K. Hitchcock, Maria Sapignoli and Smith Moeti
11. Rights to land among amazigh peoples in Morocco: the case of the high atlas - Ahmed Bendellaa & d, Ugo D'Ambrosioa, Emily Carusoa, Gary Martina, Soufiane M'Soua, Mari Carmen Romerab and Pablo Dominguez
12. Adivasis and land rights in India: dispossession and the 'implementation gap' - Jagannath Ambagudia
13. Legal privileges and the effective recognition of indigenous land rights: lessons from Malaysia - Yogeswaran Subramaniam
14. Indigenous peoples and electoral politics in Thailand and Cambodia: one strategy to secure land rights in contested spaces - Ian G. Baird
15. Conclusion: reclaiming land rights under the pressure of Nation States – Insights and future directions from Sápmi Oula-Antti Labba
