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Written and Unwritten: The Rules, Internal Procedures, and Customs of the United States Courts of Appeals

ISBN13: 9781009426183
Published: November 2024
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £80.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9781009426190

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Although the thirteen United States Courts of Appeals are the final word on 99 percent of all federal cases, there is no detailed account of how these courts operate. How do judges decide which decisions are binding precedents and which are not? Who decides whether appeals are argued orally? What administrative structures do these Courts have? The answers to these and hundreds of other questions are largely unknown, not only to lawyers and legal academics, but by many within the judiciary itself. Written and Unwritten is the first book to provide an inside look at how these courts operate. An unprecedented contribution to the field of judicial administration, the book collects the differing local rules and internal procedures of each Court of Appeals. In-depth interviews of the Chief Judges of all thirteen circuits and surveys of all Clerks of Court reveal previously undisclosed practices and customs.

  • Reveals previously undocumented internal practices of the United States Courts of Appeals
  • Collects local rules and unwritten customs of the United States Courts of Appeals by subject matter
  • Chronicles the views of Chief Judges of the thirteen United States Court of Appeals about how their courts operate

Other Jurisdictions , USA
1. The Chief Judge of a Circuit
2. Administrative Structure
3. Calendars, Panels, and Assignment of Cases
4. Motions
5. Expedited Appeals
6. Briefs of Parties and Amici Curiae
7. Oral Argument
8. Precedential Opinions
9. Non-Precedential Opinions
10. En Banc Procedures
11. Promoting the Expeditious Disposition of Appeals
12. Death Penalty Cases
13. Senior Judges
14. Judicial Councils and Judicial Conferences
15. Information on Websites
16. Miscellaneous Provisions