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Litigating Judicial Selection

ISBN13: 9781009425445
Published: May 2024
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £95.00

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In the United States and elsewhere, the questions of who should serve as a judge and how these judges should be chosen are increasingly contested. In Litigating Judicial Selection, Herbert Kritzer examines these questions with a comprehensive analysis of judicial-selection litigation over time and place. With a data set of over 2,000 cases from around the world, Kritzer offers new insight into the judicial selection by way of in-depth statistical analysis and an extensive narrative description of several important case studies. This book should be read by anyone seeking insight into the way judges are selected in the twenty-first century.

  • First comprehensive study of litigation regarding judicial selection
  • Provides statistical patterns and extensive descriptions of actual judicial selection cases
  • Analyzes the interaction of litigation and politics in the United States over the entire history of the country

  • Subjects:
    Other Jurisdictions , USA
    1. Fighting over Judicial Selection
    2. Litigation over Federal Judicial Selection
    3. Litigation Concerning State Judicial Selection: A Portrait
    4. Challenging and Changing State Judicial Selection
    5. Selection Preliminaries: Eligibility, Term Length, And Vacancies
    6. Election Processes: Nominations, Campaigns, and Finance
    7. Election Administration and Election Contests
    8. Non-Elective Systems
    9. Other Cases
    10. Litigating Judicial Selection: Another Example of American Exceptionalism
    List of cases and other authorities