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The Cambridge Handbook of the Law, Policy, and Regulation for Human-Robot Interaction (eBook)

Edited by: Woodrow Barfield, Yueh-Hsuan Weng, Ugo Pagallo

ISBN13: 9781009386692
Published: November 2024
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £200.00
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This volume provides a unique perspective on an emerging area of scholarship and legislative concern: the law, policy, and regulation of human-robot interaction (HRI). The increasing intelligence and human-likeness of social robots points to a challenging future for determining appropriate laws, policies, and regulations related to the design and use of AI robots. Japan, China, South Korea, and the US, along with the European Union, Australia and other countries are beginning to determine how to regulate AI-enabled robots, which concerns not only the law, but also issues of public policy and dilemmas of applied ethics affected by our personal interactions with social robots. The volume's interdisciplinary approach dissects both the specificities of multiple jurisdictions and the moral and legal challenges posed by human-like robots. As robots become more like us, so too will HRI raise issues triggered by human interactions with other people.

eBooks, IT, Internet and Artificial Intelligence Law
1. Introduction to law, policy, and regulations for human-robot interaction
2. Anthropomorphism and human-robot interaction (HRI)
3. Human-robot interaction implications: for law, policy, and regulations
4. Trust-based interfaces in hr interaction. context, communication and information
5. Robots, regulation, and the changing nature of public space
6. Challenges of the legal protection of human lives in the time of anthropomorphic robots
7. What will robot laws look like? Considering code, AI and human laws
8. Oversight boards for regulation of AI-enabled robots
9. Building a smart legal ecosystem for industry 5.0
10. I, Robot? legal personality for robots and the android fallacy
11. 'Legal being': going beyond the debate of legal personhood for 'intelligent' non-humans
12. Robot romance
13. Robot natives: future design and regulations for baby robot interaction
14. Should social and assistive robots integrated within home- and healthcare services be universally designed?
15. Regulating emotional artificial intelligence in cars
16. Some critical thoughts on anthropomorphic social robot design
17. A critical analysis of consent in human–robot interaction
18. Rosie is a rental: what thriving interactive robotics could mean for our society
19. Bots against bias: critical next steps for human-robot interaction
20. Robot ethics for interaction with humanoid, AI-enabled and expressive robots
21. The ubuntu robot: towards a relational conceptual framework for intercultural robotics
22. Ethical, legal, and social concerns in the application of social robots in religious settings: a case study of the catholic robot santo
23. Helpers for helpers: ethical and legal considerations for long-term care robots
24. Ethical design and standardization for robot governance
25. Eight recommendations for ethical and legal assessments of robotic systems interacting with humans
26. Cultural differences in social robot perception
27. Moral interaction with social robots
28. I'm not like the others, I'm your friend: towards an ethics for AI in behavioural interventions and choice architectures
29. Personal autonomy and machine autonomy in human-robot interaction
30. Robots in a civilized society: should robots be taught to adhere to social norms?
31. Racialization and bias toward humanoids
32. Privacy considerations for socially assistive robots
33. Privacy and transparency in human-robot interaction
34. Robotic torts
35. Limits of criminal law regulation of robotics: the Russian federation law perspective
36. Robot criminal liability
37. The use of artificial intelligence on criminal proceedings with robot judges as a different dimension
38. The first amendment and robots in virtual and physical worlds
39. Humanoid robots and consumer law and policy
40. Therapy without therapists: human-robot interaction under the EU medical device regulation and the artificial intelligence act
41. Legal analysis of a social robot: the appropriation of ideas and labor
42. Considering the tax policy implications of automation and AI-enabled robots
43. Humanoid AI systems for healthcare in outer space: a new generation of opportunities and legal puzzles
44. Ensuring accountability for robots and AI under criminal law
45. Intelligent industrial and service robots: a discussion of international human rights
46. Concluding thoughts on future directions in law, policy, and regulations for human-robot interaction.