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The Evolution of Transnational Rule-Makers through Crisis

Edited by: Panagiotis Delimatsis, Stéphanie Bijlmakers, Konrad Borowicz

ISBN13: 9781009329361
Published: August 2023
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £105.00

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In recent years transnational private regulators have emerged and multiplied. In this book, experts from various academic disciplines offer empirically grounded case studies and theoretical insights into the evolution and resilience of these bodies through crises. Transnational private regulators display considerable flexibility if compared to public institutions both in exercising their rule-making functions and adapting and transforming in light of endogenous or exogenous crisis events calling for change. The contributors identify such events and reflect on their impact on transnational private rule-makers. This edited volume covers important areas of global production and finance that are associated with private rule-making and delves into procedural, substantive and practical elements of private rule-making processes. At a policy level, the book provides comparisons among practices of private bodies in various areas, allowing for important lessons to be drawn for all public and private stakeholders active in, or affected by, private and public rule-making.

1. The resilience of private authority in times of crisis
Panagiotis Delimatsis
2. Between public and private: heterarchy in an age of intangibles and financialization
Philip G. Cerny and Rosalba Belmonte
3. Corporations and the making of public standards in international law: the case of China in the ITU
Jan Wouters
4. Standard-setting and organizational resilience: the case of the institute of international finance
M. Konrad Borowicz
5. Resilience and change in private standard-setting: the case of LIBOR
Pierre-Hugues Verdier
6. The basel committee in the post-crisis international governance of banking regulation: continuity despite weakness
Matteo Ortino
7. Human rights due diligence and evolution of voluntary sustainability standards
Enrico Partiti
8. The politics of collaborative governance in global supply chains: power and pushback in the Bangladesh accord
Juliane Reinecke and Jimmy Donaghey
9. The evolution of a transnational private rule maker: the global food safety initiative and the dynamics of its legitimacy
Tetty Havinga and Paul Verbruggen
10. Organizational responses of transnational private regulators after major accidents: the case of the American petroleum institute and the deep water horizon oil spill
Margarita Nieves-Zárate
11. The accountability response of the global anti-doping regime to the Russian doping scandal and the resilience of transnational private regulation
Slobodan Tomic and Rebecca Schmidt
12. 'Keynesian' Shipping containers? Maritime transnational regulation before the advent of 'Neoliberalism'
Daniel R. Quiroga Villamarin
13. The international organization for standardization – a 75-year journey of dynamic evolution and building organizational resilience in the face of crisis
Stephanie Bijlmakers
14. Global rivalry over the leadership in ICT standardization: SDO governance amid changing patterns of participation
Justus Baron and Olia Kanevskaia
15. The international electrotechnical commission: a 115-Year journey of challenges, change and resilience
Tim Büthe and Abdel fattah Alshadafan
16. Epilogue: an evolutionary theory of transnational private regulation: investigating causes and effects of crises
Fabrizio Cafaggi