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International Counterterrorism Law

ISBN13: 9781009309110
Published: December 2024
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £120.00

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International Counterterrorism Law

Real-life examples are used to inform the material, from Ukraine to Syria, to Iran and the unlawful actions of the Global War on Terror, so that the reader can understand how domestic and international terrorism has historically been treated by prosecutors and the courts.

Public International Law
1. Defining Terrorism in International Law
2. The Key Components of International Counterterrorism Law
3. National Terrorism Legislation Worldwide
4. Prosecution of Terrorism Suspects in Domestic Courts
5. Counterterrorism Action under International Law
6. Prosecution of Terrorism as an International Crime
7. State Responsibility for Terrorism
8. The Outlook for International Counterterrorism Law