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International Human Rights Law and Practice 4th ed

ISBN13: 9781009306379
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781108711753
Published: February 2024
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £46.99

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Now in its fourth edition, Bantekas and Oette's textbook on international human rights law is the key text around the globe for both undergraduate- and graduate-level courses in law and other disciplines with a human rights dimension. It covers theoretical approaches to rights as well its practice, from grassroots activism to strategic litigation. In addition to classical topics of human rights, the book includes chapters on the interface between investment/trade and human rights, terrorism, the protection of vulnerable persons (such as LGBTQIA+, persons with disabilities, older persons and others), the rights of women, international criminal and humanitarian law, the right to development and sustainable development, reparations and victims' rights, and many others. It has been widely adopted by instructors across the globe for LLM/JD and LLB courses.

  • An updated fourth edition combining theory with practice, including interviews with human rights experts and activists
  • Covers broad and difficult topics that engage with human rights linkages to finance, trade, investment and private law
  • Written in an accessible manner, allowing both non-experts and experts to broaden their knowledge of Human Rights

Human Rights and Civil Liberties
Table of cases
List of abbreviations

1. International human rights law and notions of human rights: foundations, achievements and challenges
2. International human rights law: the normative framework
3. Human rights in practice
4. The United Nations charter system
5. The UN human rights treaty system
6. Regional human rights treaty systems
7. Individual complaints procedures
8. Civil and political rights
9. Economic, social and cultural rights
10. Group rights: self-determination, minorities and indigenous peoples
11. The human rights of women
12. Children's rights
13. The recognition and protection of the human rights of vulnerable groups and persons
14. The right to development and sustainable development
15. Victims' rights and reparation
16. The application of human rights in armed conflict
17. Human rights and international criminal justice
18. Human rights and counter-terrorism
19. Human rights obligations of non-state actors
20. Globalisation, international trade and human rights