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Personal Genome Medicine: The Legal and Regulatory Transformation of U.S. Medicine

ISBN13: 9781009293365
Published: August 2023
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £32.99

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In the years following FDA approval of direct-to-consumer, genetic-health-risk testing, millions of people in the United States have sent their DNA to companies to receive personal genetic health risk information without physician or other learned medical professional involvement. In Personal Genome Medicine, Michael J. Malinowski examines the ethical, legal, and social implications of this development. Drawing from the past and present of medicine in the U.S., Malinowski applies law, policy, public and private sector practices, and governing norms to analyze the commercial personal genome sequencing and testing sectors and to assess their impact on the future of U.S. medicine. Written in relatable and accessible language, the book also proposes regulatory reforms for government and medical professionals that will enable technological advancements while maintaining personal and public health standards.

Other Jurisdictions , USA, Medical Law and Bioethics
Prologue: revolution, transition and transformation
1. Medical profession sovereignty to protect and promote the science and evidence base of US medicine
2. US integration of government, academia and industry: a catalyst for science-technology revolutions
3. The proliferation of US Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) and Direct-to-Physician (DTP) biopharmaceutical marketing
4. The evolution of consumer genetic testing services from Oncormed, Inc. to 23andMe Holding Co.
5. Vulnerability of the science and evidence base of US medicine
6. A warning label for commercial Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) genetics
7. Protecting and promoting the evidentiary-science base of Personal Genome Medicine (PGM)
Epilogue: the personal genome future of US medicine