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Measuring Compliance: Assessing Corporate Crime and Misconduct Prevention

Edited by: Melissa Rorie, Benjamin van Rooij

ISBN13: 9781009280112
Published: August 2022
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2022)
Price: £23.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781108488594

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Compliance, or the behavioral response to legal rules, has become an important topic for academics and practitioners. A large body of work exists that describes different influences on business compliance, but a fundamental challenge remains: how to measure compliance or noncompliance behavior itself? Without proper measurement, it's impossible to evaluate existing management and regulatory enforcement practices. Measuring Compliance provides the first comprehensive overview of different approaches that are or could be used to measure compliance by business organizations. The book addresses the strengths and weaknesses of various methods and offers both academics and practitioners guidance on which measures are best for different purposes. In addition to understanding the importance of measuring compliance and its potential negative effects in a variety of contexts, readers will learn how to collect data to answer different questions in the compliance domain, and how to offer suggestions for improving compliance measurement.

Criminal Law
Introduction: Compliance and Its Measurement Benjamin van Rooij and Melissa Rorie

Part I. The Compliance Industry, the State, and Measurement Needs:
2. Legal and Regulatory Use and Measurement of Compliance Programs Hui Chen
3. Measuring Compliance in the Age of Governance: How the Governance Turn Has Impacted Compliance Measurement by the State Karin van Wingerde and Lieselot Bisschop
4. Understanding the Role of Power Distributions in Compliance Todd Haugh

Part II. Quantitative Approaches to Measuring Corporate Compliance:
5. Self-Report Surveys and Factorial Survey Instruments Melissa Rorie
6. The Use of Randomized Experiments for Assessing Corporate Compliance Melissa Rorie
7. A Practical Way to Measure Corporate Compliance Efforts Ricardo Pellafone
8. Measuring Compliance Risk and the Emergence of Analytics Eugene Soltes
9. Using Regulatory Inspection Data to Measure Environmental Compliance Sarah Stafford
10. Using Outcomes to Measure Aggregate-Level Compliance: Justifications, Challenges, and Practices Florentin Blanc and Paola Coletti

Part III. Qualitative Approaches to Measuring Corporate Compliance:
11. Engaging Qualitative Research Approaches to Investigate Compliance Motivations: Understanding the How and Why of Compliance Sara R. Rinfret and Michelle C. Pautz
12. Admitting noncompliance: Interview strategies for assessing undetected legal deviance Benjamin van Rooij and Melissa Rorie
13. Compliance Ethnography: What gets lost in compliance measurement Benjamin van Rooij, Yunmei Wu and Na Li

Part IV. Mixed Methods and Building on Existing Compliance Research:
14. Mixing and Combining Research Strategies and Methods to Understand Compliance Nicholas Lord and Aleksandra Jordanoska
15. Using Meta-Analysis/Systematic Review to Examine Corporate Compliance Natalie Schell-Busey
16. Data Simulations as a Means of Improving Compliance Measurement Matthew P. West and Melissa Rorie