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Contract Law of Qatar

ISBN13: 9781009055994
Published: June 2023
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £22.99

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As Qatar's aspirations of becoming a key location for international dispute settlement and international trade grow, so too does the importance of understanding private law in Qatar and the Gulf states. In this innovative book, Ilias Bantekas and Ahmed Al-Ahmed provide an original, English-language treatise on the contract law of Qatar. Using an abundance of case law, the authors combine scholarly and practice-oriented expertise to develop a comprehensive treatment of Qatari contract law. The analysis is drawn from a wealth of judgements from the Qatari Court of Cassation and Court of Appeal, much of which was previously inaccessible to readers. Bringing sophisticated, detailed insights on Qatari law to an English-speaking legal audience, this is a vital text for academics, practitioners and students who wish to comprehend this increasingly influential global player.

  • Available as Open Access on Cambridge Core
  • Draws from a wealth of judgements from the Qatari Court of Cassation and Court of Appeal
  • Offers an original, English-language treatise on the contract law of Qatar
  • Provides sophisticated, detailed insights on Qatari law

Contract Law, Other Jurisdictions , Middle East
1. The sources of Qatari contract law
2. Contract formation
3. Intention to be bound and cause
4. Capacity and authority to contract
5. Formality
6. Interpretation and gap filling by the courts
7. Good faith and unfair terms
8. Defects of consent
9. Prohibited contracts
10. Performance and damages
11. Termination and rescission of chapters
12. Contracts and third parties
13. The contract regulations of the Qatar Financial Center