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Biopolitics and Structure in Legal Education (eBook)

Edited by: Luca Siliquini-Cinelli, Thomas Giddens

ISBN13: 9781000876222
Published: June 2023
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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Taking up the study of legal education in distinctly biopolitical terms, this book provides a critical and political analysis of structure in the law school.

Legal education concerns the complex pathways by which an individual becomes a lawyer, making the journey from lay-person to expert, from student to practitioner. To pose the idea of a biopolitics of legal education is not only to recognise the tensions surrounding this journey, but also to recognise that legal education is a key site in which the subject engages, and is engaged by, a particular structure – and here the particular structure of the law school. This book explores that structure by addressing the characteristics of the biopolitical orders engaged in legal education, including: understanding the lawyer as a commodity, unpicking the force relations in legal education, examining the ways codes of conduct in higher education impact academic freedom, as well as putting the distinctly western structures of legal learning within a wider context.

Assembling original, field-defining, essays by both leading international scholars as well as emerging researchers, it constitutes indispensable resource in legal education research and scholarship that will appeal to legal academics everywhere.

Legal Skills and Method, eBooks
Introduction Luca Siliquini-Cinelli

1: Producing Lawyering Subjects
1. The Office of the Law Teacher
Thomas Giddens
2. Educating into Aware Subjects Instead of Unaware Objects
Peter Čuroš
3. Biopolitics and the Solicitors Qualifying Examination
Omar Madhloom
4. The Biopolitical Perspective in Women’s Legal Education
Luana Mathias Souto
5. Lawyer as Biopolitical Asset
Jane Ching

2: Relations
6. Care, Practices of Justice, and the Renewal of Legal Education in Italy: A Case from the Roma Tre Law Clinic
Martina Millefiorini and Carlo Caprioglio
7. Better Read Than Unread? Books and the Teaching(s) of International Law
John R. Morss
8. The Truth About Conceptions of Law in Latin American Legal Education
Fernando del Mastro Puccio and Sergio Iván Anzola Rodríguez
9. The Clinical Humanisation of Legal Education: From the Western Model to Emerging Practices in Non-Western Countries Cosmos
Nike Nwedu
10. On the Biopolitics of Legal Education in Turkey
Eric Deibel and Talya Uçaryılmaz Deibel
11. The Impact of Codes of Conduct on Academic Freedom
Francine Rochford

3: Meta-structures
12. Loneliness in Legal Education and the Legal Profession
Chin Chin Sia
13. The ‘Politics’ of Responsible Social Media Use in Universities: Cautionary Tales for Student Experience?
Kimberly Barker and Olga Jurasz
14. ‘A Personal University’ – Lifelong Learning and a Certain Kind of Fiction in the Swiss Law Educational System
Giulia Walter and Filippo Contarini
15. A Tyranny of Metrics in the Age of Legal Big Data
Bruce Baer Arnold