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Financial Crisis Management and Bank Resolution (eBook)

Edited by: John Raymond Labrosse, Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal, Dalvinder Singh

ISBN13: 9781000285895
Published: November 2009
Publisher: Informa Law from Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £325.00 - Unavailable at Publisher
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Financial Crisis Management and Bank Resolution provides an analysis of the responses to the recent crisis that has beset the international financial markets. It seeks to undertake this task by taking a top down approach looking at the mechanisms to manage a financial crisis, to the practicalities of dealing with the resolution of a bank experiencing distress.

This work is an interdisciplinary analysis of the law and policy surrounding crisis management and bank resolution. It comprises contributions from a team of leading experts in the field that have been carefully selected from across the globe.

This edited collection will provide a new and important contribution to research in this area, at a crucial time in the debate around banking resolution and crisis management regimes. This scholarship will go some way to plug the gap in our knowledge and understanding of the law of bank resolution and restructuring, through the production of an innovative, international and interdisciplinary collection of work which links both the law and policy surrounding crisis management, and bank resolution and restructuring.

This book provides:

  • A review of the new legislation introduced in the UK on bank resolution
  • An analysis of the whole spectrum of bank resolution and restructuring from crisis
  • Management in the form of emergency liquidity support arrangements to the practicalities of dealing with organising and arranging the restructuring of a bank in distress
  • An analysis the idea of regulatory intervention in the context of a risk based model of regulation and prompt corrective action
  • A consideration of the rights of various stakeholders in particular shareholders, management and creditors – depositors
  • A review of the utility of the various techniques to deal with banks in distress, in particular Bridge Banks
Contributors: Prof. Rosa M. Lastra; Prof. Geoffrey Wood; Prof. Charles Goodhart; Dr. Eva Hupkes; Vijay Tata; Adolfo Rouillon; Prof. Heidi M Schooner; Prof. Andrew Sheng; Prof G G Kaufman; Prof. R Bliss; Prof. Art Wilmarth

Banking and Finance, eBooks
Chapter 1. The Financial Turmoil Of 2007-20xx: Causes, Culprits And Consequences
G.G. Kaufman
Chapter 2. International Responses To The Global Financial Crisis
D..W Arner and J.J. Norton
Chapter 3. Regulating Hedge Funds In The Shadow Of The Recent Financial Crisis: The EU Response
H. Mcvea
Chapter 4. Towards A Coherent Crisis Resolution Mandate
G. Wood
Chapter 5. Transparency And The End Of Doing Good By Stealth
C. Bamford
Chapter 6. The Role Of Government, Central Banks And Regulators In Managing Banking Crisis
S. Gleeson
Chapter 7. Defining The Public Interest: Public Law Perspectives On Regulating The Financial Crisis
J.F. Mceldowney
Chapter 8. Rethinking The Role Of Deposit Insurance: Lessons From The Recent Financial Crisis
J.P. Sabourin
Chapter 9. Understanding, Awareness And Deposit Insurance
P. Cartwright
Chapter 10. The European Deposit Guarantee Directive: An Appraisal Of The Reforms
D. Singh and D. Walker
Chapter 11. The Global Financial Crisis: Lessons For Deposit Insurance Systems In Developing Countries
G.A. Ogunleye
Chapter 12. Bank Crisis Resolution: The Banking Act 2009
G.A. Walker
Chapter 13. Protecting Creditors Of Insolvent Banks: How Should The Rights Of Different Types Of Creditors Be Best Managed?
A. Campbell
Chapter 14. International Experience And Policy Issues In The Growing Use Of Bridge Banks
J.R Labrosse
Chapter 15. The "Failing Firm Defence" In Failing Markets: The Case For Bank Mergers
I. Kokkoris
Chapter 16. Mitigating Moral Hazard In Dealing With Problem Financial Institutions: Too Big To Fail? Too Complex To Fail? Too Interconnected To Fail?
M.D. Knight
Chapter 17. Cross-Border Insolvency: The Case Of Financial Conglomerates
R.M. Lastra and R. Olivares-Caminal
Chapter 18. Resolving Crises In Global Financial Institutions: The Functional Approach Revisited
E. Hupkes
Chapter 19. Resolution Methods For Cross-Border Banks In The Present Crisis
D.G. Mayes