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 Keith Pugsley, Ken Miles

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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Manchester on Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing Law 4th ed isbn 9780957267718

Manchester on Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing Law 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780957267701
New Edition ISBN: 9780957267718
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780415422901
Published: May 2012
Publisher: Woods Whur Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Special Offer: Out of print
(Usual price £85.00)

This comprehensive and authoritative guide to licensing law provides a detailed and updated exposition and contextual analysis of the legal provisions governing the licensing of alcohol and entertainment under the Licensing Act 2003, encompassing both the legislative and decision making framework of the Act as well as its implications for human rights.

Fully updated and revised, it covers the various forms of authorisation for licensable activities – premises licences, club premises certificates, temporary event notices and personal licences - and licence and certificate conditions that might be attached as well as the enforcement and appeal provisions of the Act.

This edition, building on the highly acclaimed previous two editions, includes subsequent legislative changes and up to date case law decisions. New additions to this edition include:=

  • legislative changes introduced by the Policing and Crime Act 2009, the Provision of Services Regulations 2009, the Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Licensing Conditions) Order 2010, the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 and the Live Music Act 2012;
  • amendments to existing regulations and the Secretary of State's Statutory Guidance;
  • important case law decisions on a range of areas, including the licensing objectives, licence conditions, enforcement and appeals;
  • coverage of new aspects of licensing control, including minor variations, additional mandatory licence conditions, early morning restriction orders, and the late night levy;
  • revised and extended sections on a number of areas, including the licensing objectives, the offence of selling alcohol to children, and appeals;
This book is essential reading for all local authorities, magistrates’ courts, legal advisors, licensing policy advisors, operators and the police as well as those applying for licences.

Licensing Law
1.Introduction to the Licensing Act 2003.
2. Procedural and decision-making Framework.
3. Licensing and Human Rights.
4. Licensing Objectives, Statements of Policy and Secretary of State’s Guidance.
5. Licensable Activities: the Scope of Control.
6. Premises Licences.
7. Conditions.
8. Clubs and Club Premises Certificates.
9. Temporary Activities: temporary event notices.
10. Personal Licences.
11. Enforcement.
12. Appeals.