The Legal Services Act 2007 received royal assent on 30th October. The UK legal services market, already intensely competitive, is about to experience further competition from the business world. Effective outsourcing will be a crucial tool in coping with this change.
Ark Group’s Legal Outsourcing report covers the key issues, outlines potential approaches and highlights the tools and tactics that work.
Outsourcing falls into two main categories which are analysed in chapters 2 concentrating on business processes and services while chapter 3 is devoted to legal services outsourcing, a rapidly expanding sector in which there is growing interest. Here we examine what categories of legal work can and cannot be outsourced and consider some of the key issues that need to be addressed.
Successful outsourcing means adopting the model that best fits the size and profile of your firm and helps to drive its strategy going forward. Chapters 4 and 5 explore a selection of popular outsourcing models with reference to strategic operational issues, and outline some of the best practices that underpin an effective outsourcing strategy.
Chapter 6 explores the challenges and opportunities that outsourcing brings. It identifies common pitfalls and tactics to avoid them. Finally, we look at the future – will the spread of business process and legal services outsourcing change the business model for law firms post-Clementi?
Part 2 comprises best-practice examples of how firms of different sizes, structures and profiles deploy outsourcing, in-shoring and offshoring models that help them improve service delivery, save fixed costs and drive competitive advantage. Case studies from leading firms that have successfully developed and implemented internal projects and third-party partnerships are presented alongside contributions from a selection of top consultants and providers.