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Slaughter and May: A Short History

ISBN13: 9780906782422
ISBN: 0906782422
Published: May 1989
Publisher: Granta Books
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Out of Print

The year 1989 marks the centenary of the leading City law firm of Slaughter and May. The partners have been very much aware that, with the passage of time, some of the early history of the firm had passed into legend (in many respects, as it has turned out, inaccurate legend) and much was no longer known either to partners or staff.

It was decided therefore that a history of the firm should be written. Although the partners wished it to be based on solid historical research, they were keen for it to tell the story (as much as the history) of Slaughter and May.

This book is that story; one enlivened by many interviews and anecdotes collected from past and present partners and members of the staff and with illustrations relevant to the firm and its times.