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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Police Misconduct: Legal Remedies 5th ed isbn 9781913648244

Police Misconduct: Legal Remedies 4th ed

ISBN13: 9780905099910
ISBN: 0905099915
New Edition ISBN: 9781913648244
Previous Edition ISBN: 0905099583
Published: May 2005
Publisher: Legal Action Group
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This book equips the reader with the essentials for advising on the full range of procedures, strategies and tactics available. It provides thorough procedural advice and step-by-step guidance from pre-issue considerations through to jury trial and appeal. There is detailed guidance on the most common torts - false imprisonment, malicious prosecution and misfeasance - and clear analysis of developing causes of actions against the police such as negligence, privacy, discrimination and claims under the Human Rights Act. It outlines other available remedies such as judicial review and inquests, and includes a unique guide to obtaining compensation for wrongful convictions from the Home Office.

Since the last edition of this book the legal background to the field of police misconduct has transformed. The fourth edition has been substantially rewritten and expanded to include a major analysis of developments such as the Independent Police Complaints Commission, new police discipline systems, constitutional changes to the organisation of the police and ever-widening police powers.

Police and Public Order Law, Tort Law
- The constitutional and organisational position of the police
- Police complaints
- Discipline and criminal prosecution
- Intentional torts to the person
- Abuse of power including malicious prosecution and misfeasance in a public office
- Negligence and related actions
- Wrongful interference with land and goods
- Human rights and discrimination
- Suing the police: pre-action considerations
- Bringing the action - issue of proceedings to exchange of witness statements
- The civil action trial
- Damages
- ECHR (process of taking a case to Strasbourg)
- Inquests, judicial review and other remedies