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Shaping the Future: New Directions for Legal Services

ISBN13: 9780905099613
ISBN: 0905099613
Published: May 1995
Publisher: Legal Action Group
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Publicly-funded legal services and the organization of civil justice under English Law are facing major change, and this book offers a contribution to the debate stimulated by government ideas of reforming legal aid and the civil-justice system. It combines the Legal Action Group's analysis of the current state of the civil-justice system with contributions from commentators around the world, all of whom are involved in the process of change in their own countries.;Among the issues considered are whether cases can be ""unbundled"" so that litigants can undertake more self-representation, the best use that might be made of new technology, the role for public legal education and publicly-funded legal services in general, the future of civil litigation, and ways in which class or group actions can be handled by courts and by lawyers.