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Law and Politics: A Cross-cultural Encyclopedia

Daniel P. StrouthesAssistant Professor of Anthropology, Wisconsin University, USA

ISBN13: 9780874367775
ISBN: 0874367778
Published: June 1997
Publisher: ABC CLIO Europe (ABC-CLIO)
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Abandonment; acephalus societies; adoption; adverse possession; age set; anarchy; aristocracy; band; gig man; black market; canon law; capital punishment; charter myth; chief; citizenship; civil law; civlization; class; collective liability; common law; comparative law; condominium law; confession; constitution; contract; corporation; coup; crime; customary law; democracy; disownment; equity; expropriation; extortion; faction; familylaw; feud; fissioning; fraud; funtions of law; fundamental legal conceptions; gerontocracy; guardian; headman; homicide; inheritance; international law; jurisdiction; jurisprudence; justice; kingship; law; law enforcement; leader; lease; legal anthropology; legal decision;legal fiction; legal fiction; legal realism; legal right; legalism; legitimacy in law; legitimacyin politics; license; litigation; marriage; Marxism; military societies; misprision; monarchy; multiplicity of legal levels; natural law; oath; oligarchy; ordeal; ownership; pacification; patria potestas
parton-client relationships; personal property; personality principle of law; plutocracy; political anthropology; political coruption; political economy; power; procedural law; purge; real property; reasonable man; rebellion; recidivism; res judicata; revenge; revitalization movements; right, children's; rights, human; rivalry; sanction; segmentary lineage; self-redress; servitude; servitus; slavery; sorcery; state; status andrank; substantive law; territorial principle of law; terror; theft; theocracy; treaty; trespass; tribe and tribalism; tribute; war; world system.