European Union Law Reporter Looseleaf
ISBN13: 9780863252150
Latest Release: December 01, 2014
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Looseleaf, 5 Volumes
Subscription Type: Annual Subscription
Domestic Renewal Price: £5718.84
Overseas Renewal Price: £5826.84
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Designed to track European Union legal and policy developments and gauge their effect on business, the European Union Law Library provides an analysis of the whole range of EU law, with concise commentary and case annotation. It focuses mainly on the impact of European Community law on areas of importance to business in the European Union. The fifth volume of the service - European Union Update - provides a regular survey of important recent developments in EU law and policy.
Key benefits include:
- Rapid research - topic-based commentary
- Authoritative - commentary is written by experts in the field
- Easy-to-use - comprehensive indexing, finding lists and other lists provide ready access to the text
- Vast coverage - encyclopedic coverage of EU law
- Regular updates of current developments in EU law and policy
- Immediate access - portable online library of continually updated material
Subscription Information: 6 updating releases per year, included in fixed annual January to December subscription. If main-work is purchased after 1 October the subscription for the following calendar year is included in the purchase price.