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 Jonathan Karas

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The Writing of History and the Study of Law

ISBN13: 9780860786399
ISBN: 0860786390
Published: July 1998
Publisher: Routledge
Format: Hardback
Price: £115.00

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This collection of essays takes the study of history as a starting point, and extends the exploration into adjacent fields of legal, political, and social thought - confronting some of the larger questions of the modern human sciences, and issues of intellectual, cultural, and political history.

Part 1 Early modern history: humanism and history; Tacitus Noster - the Germania in the Renaissance and Reformation; Johann Sleiden and the origins of history as a profession; history as a calling - the case of La Popeliniere; martyrs, myths and the massacre - the background of St Bartholomew; history and the encylopedia.
Part 2 Modern history: ancient verses on new ideas - legal tradition and the French historical school; mythistory in the age of Ranke; Robert Flint - historian of ideas; the science of anthropology - an essay on the very old Marx.
Part 3 History and the law: ""Second Nature"" - the idea of custom in European law, society, and culture; civil science in the Renaissance - the problem of interpretation; jurisconsultus perfectus - the lawyer as Renaissance man; men of law and the French revolution.