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Legal Scholarship and Doctrines of Private Law, 13th-18th Centuries

ISBN13: 9780860786160
ISBN: 0860786161
Published: December 1996
Publisher: Routledge
Format: Hardback
Price: £33.99

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A volume focusing on post medieval legal developments, this book examines in particular the work of Hugo Grotius, his sources and his influences. It includes eight studies in English, seven studies in French, and one study in German. Other aspects of the volume concern the history of legal scholarship in the Netherlands in the 17th and 18th centuries; the teaching of the subject at the law faculties of the Universities of Leyden and Franeker; and some doctrines of private law (property, contract, succession).

L'Ecole de droit d'Orleans au treizieme siecle et son rayonnement dans l'Europe medievale; fourteenth century Orleans glosses in an Oxford manuscript of the ""Infortiatum"" - Gilles Bellemere as a Romanist; Dominium and ius in re aliena - the origins of a civil law distinction; Hughes Doneau et les juristes neerlandais du XVIIe siecle - l'influence de son ""systeme"" sur l'evolution du droit prive avant le Pandectisme; notice sur Pierre Corneille de Brederode (1558? - 1637); commune et droit compare chez Grotius - nouvelles remarques sur les sources citees dans ses ouvrages juridiques, a propos d'une reimpression du ""De iure belli ac pacis""; la systematique du droit dans l'ouvre de Grotius; pact and contract in the Low Countries from the 16th to the 18th century; Grotius' doctrine of unjust enrichment as a source of obligation - its origin and its influence in Roman-Dutch law; family, property and succession in the Province of Holland during the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries; canon law at Dutch universities from 1575-1811; un manuscrit de la Bibliotheque Nationale faussement attribue a Vinnius - les ""Variae lectiones in Institutiones iuris de Jean Cabillau (1600-1652); real rights and their classification in the 17th century - the role of Heinrich Hahn and Gerhard Feltmann; les juristes de l'ancienne Universite de Franeker et leurs recueils de disputationes (periode de 1635 a 1735); ein spater Vertreter der niederlandischen Schule - Johann Ortwin Westenberg (1667-1737); Scottish-Dutch legal relations in the 17th and 18th centuries.