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A Practical Guide 2nd ed

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Medieval Councils, Decretals and Collections of Canon Law 2nd ed

Stephen KuttnerUniversity of California, Berkley, USA

ISBN13: 9780860783367
ISBN: 0860783367
Published: March 1992
Publisher: Routledge
Format: Hardback
Price: £35.99

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A collection of 11 articles - 9 in English and 2 in French - on the medieval councils, decretals and collections of canon law. There are additional notes and fully revised and detailed indexes for this second edition.

Quelques observations sur l'autorite des collections canoniques dans le droit classique de l'Eglise; some Roman manuscripts of canonical collections; the so-called canons of Nimes; Gerland of Bescancon and the manuscripts of his ""Candela"" - a bibliographical note; the ""extravagentes"" of the Decretum in Biberach; the Decretal ""Presbiterum"" - a letter of Leo IX; collectio Francofortana; a collection of Decretal letters of Innocent III in Bamberg; a new eyewitness account of the Fourth Lateran Council; Johannes Teutonicus, das vierte Laterankonzil und die Compilatio quarta; die Konstitutionen des ersten alemeinen Konzils von Lyon; conciliar law in the making - the Lyonese constitutions of Gregory X in a manuscript at Washington; the date of the Constitution ""Saepe"", the Vatican manuscripts, and the Roman edition of the Clementines.