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Feodalites Et Droits Savants Dans Le Midi Medieval

Gerard Giordanengoprofessor, Ecole Nationale des Chartes, Paris, France

ISBN13: 9780860783251
ISBN: 0860783251
Published: June 1994
Publisher: Routledge
Format: Hardback
Price: £84.99

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The feudal system has come to be seen as one of the most characteristic features of the Western Middle Ages, yet the study of feudal law has not always received the same attention as that given to its institutions. This law, it is true, was a subject of secondary importance in the medieval universities, but there does remain a corpus of writing sufficiently large to permit the investigation of how it related to medieval practice. In these articles, now provided with extensive additional notes, Gerard Giordanengo has undertaken such an investigation, with particular reference to southern France in the 12-14th centuries. He shows how, in Provence, legal doctrine did exert a clear influence on feudal practice, and that it was the jurists attached to princely or ecclesiastic entourages who were the key to its dissemination.;In the Dauphine, on the other hand, theory had a more limited impact, and feudal ties became not a mark of subjection, but a means of recognizing legal and social status. At the government level, finally, he argues that it was not any feudal theory, nor even any feudal structures, but rather the absolutist doctrines of Roman law and the Old Testament that shaped the political ideology - a practice, if possible - of the miedieval king.

Avant-propos; ""Epistola Philiberti"" - note sur l'influence du droit feodal savant dans la pratique du Dauphine medieval; les roturiers possesseurs de fiefs nobles en Dauphine aux XIV et XVe siecles; consultations juridiques de la regionl dauphinoise (XIIIe-XIVe siecles); note sur un manuscrit juridique du Midi de la France (vat lat 2642); enquete sur la noblesse de quelques habitants de Chabeuil au XIVe siecle; droit feodal et droit romain dans les universites du Midi - l'example de Bertrand de Deaux; ;vocabulaire romanisant et realite feodale en Provence; Bertrand du Pont, notaire d'Avignon, et son formulaire (2e quart du XIIIe siecle); Jean Blanc, feudiste de Marseille (XIIIe siecle); vocabulaire et formulaires feodaux en Provence et en Dauphine (XIIe-XIIIe siecles); documents sur l'hommage en Dauphine et en Provence (1157-1270); coutumes et droit feodal en Dauphine et en Provence (XIIIe et XIVe siecles); la feodalite [dans la France medievale]; la difficile interpretaton des donnees negatives - les ordonnances royales sur le droit feodal; coutume et droit feodal en France (XIIe-milieu XIVe siecle); etat et droit feodal en France (XIIe-XIVe siecles); retractationes & additiones.