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Studies in the History of Mediaeval Canon Law

ISBN13: 9780860782742
ISBN: 0860782743
Published: September 1992
Publisher: Routledge
Format: Hardback
Price: £115.00

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This selection of articles complements the volumes previously published by Variorum. Its subject is the history of the Church law of the Middle Ages, and the manner in which it has been studied. One group of articles is particularly concerned with the broader implications of medieval law, with its role in the history of doctrines and ideas: other sections focus on the history of the Glossators in modern research and on the canonists of the period following the Decretals of Pope Gregory 1X - the Glossa Ordinaria and the worlds of St Raymond of Penafort and Johannes Andreae form specific areas of interest. As in the previous volumes, there is an extensive section of ""Retractationes"", recording the results of further research and assiduously detailing and commenting upon work done in the field since the articles were first published.

Zur neuesten glossatorenforschung; vers une nouvelle histoire du droit canon; the revival of jurisprudence; die mittelalterliche kanonistik in der forschung der letzten hundert jahre; research on Gratian - acta and agenda; some considerations on the role of secular law and institutions in the history of canon law; on ""auctoritas"" in the writing of medieval canonists - the vocabulary of Gratian; universal Pope of servant of God's servants - the canonists, papal titles and Innocent III; reflections on Gospel and Law in the history of the Church; the Barcelona edition of St Raymond's first treatise on canon law; zur Entstehungsgeschichte der Summa de casibus des hl. Raymund von Penyafort; Raymond of Penafort as editor - the ""decretales"" and ""constitutiones"" of Gregory 1X; the Glossa ordinaria to the Gregorian decretals; notes on the Glossa Ordinaria of Bernard of Parma; wer war der Dekretalist ""Abbas antiquus?""; Johannes Andreae and his novella on the decretals; the Apostillae of Johannes Andreae on the Clementines; Francesco Zabarella's commentary on the Decretals - a note on the editions and the Vatican manuscripts; retractationes.