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The Regulation of Executive Compensation: Greed, Accountability and Say on Pay

ISBN13: 9780857938329
Published: October 2012
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £98.00

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In this timely book, Kym Sheehan examines the regulatory technique known as 'say on pay' - where shareholders vote on executive compensation in an annual, advisory vote on the remuneration report. Using the model of the regulated remuneration cycle, and drawing upon evidence of its operation from interviews, voting data and remuneration reports from UK and Australian companies, the book demonstrates whether say on pay can operate successfully to both constrain executive greed and ensure accountability exists for company performance and decision-making.

The Regulation of Executive Compensation is essential reading for corporate governance academics, remuneration consultants, company directors, regulators, pension and superannuation fund trustees and unions. Politicians and their policy advisers, lawyers, accountants and anyone concerned about the corporate governance of listed companies will find much to interest them in this detailed study.

Company Law
1. Greed, Accountability and Say on Pay
2. The Regulated Remuneration Cycle
3. Remuneration Practice - Institutional Investor Rule-making
4. Remuneration Committees
5. UK Remuneration Practice: Best Practice?
6. Australian Remuneration Practice: Best Practice?
7. Disclosure
8. Shareholder Voting
9. Limits of Institutional Shareholders as 'Regulators' of Executive Remuneration
10. The Advantages and Limits of Say on Pay as a Regulatory Technique