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The Equality Act 2010 in Mental Health: A Guide to Implementation and Issues for Practice (eBook)

ISBN13: 9780857005892
Published: November 2012
Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Price on Application
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The Equality Act 2010 in Mental Health provides a critical guide to the Act: what it means for mental health services and how it should be implemented. It addresses each of the nine characteristics protected by the Act in turn, examining the research and practice issue associated with each and offering positive guidance. Contributors also highlight the broader issues associated with achieving equality in mental health, including conflicts between different forms of discrimination, the impact of budget cuts and the issue of inequality in wider society and how it relates to the mental health services. Finally, the book tackles organisational change and the implications for management practice, organisational structures and staff training. This book will be a valuable resource for those involved in providing mental health services, including managers and frontline workers across health and social care.

Mental Health Law, Discrimination Law, eBooks
Introduction. Hari Sewell, HS Consultancy, UK.
1. The Equality Act 2010: The Letter and Spirit of the Law. Jo Honigmann, Just Equality, UK.
2. The Case for a Single Equalities Approach. Melba Wilson, HS Consultancy, UK.
3. Gendered Practice. Sue Waterhouse, HS Consultancy, UK.
4. Pregnancy and Maternity. Sue Waterhouse.
5. Marriage and Civil Partnership. Hari Sewell.
6. Age Equality. Barbara Vincent, Sussex Partnership, UK.
7. Disability. Hari Sewell.
8. Out and Equal: Towards Mental Health Equality for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual (LGB) People. Sarah Carr, Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), UK.
9. Race and Mental Health. Marcel Vige, National Mind, UK and Hari Sewell.
10. Gender Reassignment. Scott Durairaj and Jourdan Durairaj, Sussex Partnership Trust, UK.
11. Spirituality and Equalities. Peter Duncan Gilbert, Staffordshire University, UK.
12. The Prevalence of Traditional Psychiatric Models and Inherent Drivers of Inequality. Hari Sewell.
13. Conflicts within the Equalities Agenda. Hari Sewell.
14. The Impact of Cost Cutting on Equalities. Hari Sewell.
15. Good Enough Plans and Strategies: Getting the Balance Right for Effective Planning and Decision-Making - From Expediency to Pragmatism. Melba Wilson.
16. Applying Management Rigours to the Equality Agenda. Hari Sewell.
17. The Financial Case for Tackling Inequality. Melba Wilson and Hari Sewell.
18. Organisational Development Approaches. Hari Sewell and Cheryl Brodie, HS Consultancy, UK.
19. Skilling the Workforce. Hari Sewell and Cheryl Brodie.
20. Beyond Categories: Service Users as Complex Beings. Eleanor Hope, Sussex Partnership, UK.
21. Engaging Stakeholders and Communities. Hari Sewell.
22. Knowledge Management, New Technologies and Equalities. Tony Jameson-Allen, Evolution Networking Ltd, UK.
Conclusion. Hari Sewell.