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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
High Principle, Low Politics, and the Emergence of the Supreme Court Revised Ed isbn 9780854902972

High Principle, Low Politics, and the Emergence of the Supreme Court

ISBN13: 9780854902835
New Edition ISBN: 9780854902972
Published: September 2019
Publisher: Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom has now been in existence for ten years and appears to have seamlessly become part of the fabric of our legal system.

This book tells the remarkable story, full of twists and turns, of how and why this court came to be created; and in doing so taps into a rich seam of social and political history. It also provides an insight, free of legal jargon, into how the court has “performed” in the light of both the fears and the expectations which greeted its arrival.

The author, who has known personally some of the main characters in the story, has had a long and distinguished career at the Bar, appearing in many landmark cases in different areas of the law. His memoir: Chance, Cheek and Some Heroics was published in 2018, and proved very popular.

"...the book is a delight and makes captivating reading" Graya

English Legal System, General Interest, Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, Courts and Procedure, Judiciary
A Rumbling Campaign and a Startling Outcome;
Early signs;
The campaign gathers pace;
Derry Irvine stands his ground;
The Government’s volte face;
Picking up the pieces

“Purists” versus “Pragmatists”: An Arcane Parliamentary Battle,
Hostilities commence,
A “Wrecking Amendment”,
A pause in the hostilities,
Hostilities are resumed,
The Commons takes over,

The Court Emerges,
Plans, Designs and Micro-management,
The Supreme Court establishes itself,
No “rush of blood to the head”,

A New Supreme Court for the United Kingdom (Lord Bingham of Cornhill),