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Children and Vulnerable Witnesses in Court Proceedings

ISBN13: 9780854901913
Published: June 2016
Publisher: Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £45.00

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Children Panel solicitors, local authority lawyers, children’s social care workers and CAFCASS may help to locate, or provide resources for children and young people.

Social and mental health professionals, specialist lawyers, counselling services, government and voluntary organisations such as the Victim Support Service, Citizens Advice Witness Service and MIND may help with the needs of adult clients.

Children and Vulnerable Witnesses in Court Proceedings is a practical and concise handbook, written to aid practitioners in understanding the psychology of stress, to know the rights of victims and vulnerable witnesses, and to access appropriate support and help for them.

The book addresses the nature and impact of psychological stress, anxiety, panic attacks and general stress, and explores ways to alleviate psychological stress in the court process, describing the law, guidance and special measures available to support children and vulnerable witnesses.

It proceeds to set out the present guidance regarding pre-trial psychological support for adult and child witnesses respectively and explores the current provisions for victim support. It explains how, where necessary, to continue to establish physical and psychological safety for vulnerable clients, victims and witnesses after the court proceedings are over. Case law and legislation; references and further reading and useful resources are also included.

Evidence, Criminal Law, Family Law, Social Security and Welfare Law, Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, Courts and Procedure, Social Work
Chapter 1 Glossary of terms and definitions;
Chapter 2 Psychological stress and stressors
Chapter 3 Alleviating stress in court proceedings: law, special measures and guidance on the treatment of vulnerable witnesses;
Chapter 4 Psychological support for vulnerable adult witnesses
Chapter 5 Protection and support for child witnesses
Chapter 6 Victim Support
Chapter 7 Supporting vulnerable witnesses through the court process, and afterwards
Chapter 8 Case law and legislation
Chapter 9 References and further reading
Chapter 10 Useful Resources
Appendix A DSM V Criteria
Appendix B Chart A Stress; Chart B Systemic approach to stress analysis