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Case Handling: An Illustrated View from the Bench

ISBN13: 9780854901470
Published: October 2014
Publisher: Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (55 Pages)
Price: £10.00

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Experience of all sorts at the Bar and on the Bench has led to the thought that a few timely words could avoid a lot of grief as well perhaps bringing a smile or two from the pictures.

At the Bar Nick Chambers did a great variety of cases ranging from the miners' respiratory claims to the Kuwait Airways litigation. On the Bench his job was to manage and try cases as the Mercantile Judge for Wales and Chester and then for Wales as well as sitting in London in the Commercial Court and other jurisdictions. He was a member of the Civil Procedure Rule Committee at the time of the introduction of the Woolf reforms. He now practices as an arbitrator and mediator from Brick Court Chambers.

The Chambers family's involvement with watercolours goes back to 1779 with an ancestor's sketches during the Siege of Gibraltar. Since then each generation has made its own contribution including scenes from Mumbai in the V&A and the first illustrations of the rules of rugby football done at the school in 1845. Illustrations and texts from Nick's book Missed Moments in Legal History hang in the Rolls Building. The pictures in Case Handling pay a further happy tribute to his past.

This book, with its pithy advice and attractive illustrations, makes taking the serious medicine of case handling a pleasure both for the recently qualified and anyone else with an interest in making dispute resolution work.

General Interest, Wildy, Simmonds and Hill
Why am I Reading This?
Identifying the Problem
Is there a Case?
Telling the Other Side
Litigants in Person
Statements of Case
Directions and Case Management Conferences
Preliminary and Other Issues
Orders and Breaches of Orders
Expert Witnesses
Skeleton and Authorities
Some Facts about Judges
Some Things that Judges Don’t Like
Some Things that Judges Do Like