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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Small Claims Procedure in the County Court: A Practical Guide 7th ed isbn 9780854903009

Small Claims Procedure in the County Court: A Practical Guide to Mediation and Litigation 6th ed

ISBN13: 9780854901425
New Edition ISBN: 9780854903009
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780854900527
Published: September 2014
Publisher: Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Legal professionals rarely receive any formal training or guidance on how to run a small claims case in the county court, while litigants in person often have to conduct such cases without legal representation. A lack of understanding of the rules frequently leads to confusion and mistakes, which in turn adds to expense and causes delay.

The sixth edition of this well-established book includes everything which a professional advisor or one off court user needs to be confident and successful with pursuing or defending a claim allocated to the small claims track in the county court.

Small Claims in the County Court has been updated to take into account a large number of changes in procedure and rules over the last two years, including the increase in jurisdiction to £10,000, the introduction of the single county court and new rules and terminology concerning enforcement.

The authors demystify a process which can be overwhelming to court users. The book includes summaries of key rules and procedures and more detailed text follows. There are checklists to guide users through key stages of a court case and answers to frequently asked questions.

The glossary is an invaluable tool for any court user who is unfamiliar with legal jargon. The authors have added all necessary case and rule citations and there is a full index. Key court rules plus up to date court fees are reproduced at the back of the book.

Written by authors with experience as a solicitor and a barrister but also with over 20 years combined experience as judges, this popular title will prove invaluable for busy practitioners and litigants in person alike, equipping them with the latest know-how on avoiding errors and making the most of the procedures that are available.


‘… ideal for the litigant’THE TIMES

‘I would unhesitatingly recommend this book to any lawyer whose practice is likely to involve a small claims case.’ Robert Zara, NEW LAW JOURNAL

Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, Courts and Procedure, Mediation


1. Preliminary Topics
2. Step-by-Step Guide to Starting a Small Claims Case
3. Responding to the Claim (Including Obtaining Judgment in Default or on an Admission)
4. Directions Questionnaires and Allocation
5. Other Parts of the Civil Procedure Rules
6. Drafting Rules and Precedents in Small Claims Cases


7. Mediation of Small Claims through the County Court


8. Steps between Allocation and the Hearing, and Checklist for Preparation for the Hearing
9. The No Costs Rule
10. The Hearing
11. Appeals and Applications to Set Aside Judgment
12. Enforcement of Small Claims Judgments in the County Court

