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The Law of Political Donations

ISBN13: 9780854900763
Published: October 2012
Publisher: Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £95.00

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With a Foreword by Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers

A clear, practical guide to the legal and compliance risks which attach to giving and receiving political donations in the UK.

The book explains what a political donation is – the scope of the relevant law is much wider than simply contributing to party funding – and who is permitted to be a donor. It looks at the requirements on companies, and when those requirements are triggered and explores the powers of the Electoral Commission.

It also examines the relationship between the legislative framework affecting political donations and Parliamentary rules on the acceptance of gifts and sponsorship, and describes how the Bribery Act 2010 applies to political donations. A separate chapter provides an overview of relevant international instruments, of the law on political funding in the United States, and of European Union rules.

The Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, the Electoral Administration Act 2006 and the Companies Act 2006 are all covered. The authors also examine the impact of the Political Parties and Elections Act 2009, which aims to ensure greater transparency regarding political donations and reinforce the arrangements for regulating candidate expenditure.

"This book sets out all the relevant law in a straightforward and thematically coherent way"

From the foreword by Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers

Local Government Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law, Company Law, Wildy, Simmonds and Hill
1. The Donor
2. The Donation
3. The Donee
4. Regulatory Requirements for Corporate Donors
5. The Parliamentary Regime
6. Enforcement
7. Territorial Application
8. Beyond the United Kingdom