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Leasehold Reform: The New Law - A Guide to the Leasehold Reform Housing Development Act, 1993

James DriscollSolicitor and Reader of Law, South Bank University, London

ISBN13: 9780854598205
ISBN: 0854598200
Published: November 1993
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

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This book provides clear and comprehensive guidance to the complex new Leasehold Reform Housing Development Act 1993. The author examines the background to the act and explains in detail how it works. The work is intended for solicitors, surveyors, local authorities, housing managers and others who are called upon to advise on housing matters.

Landlord and Tenant Law
Collective enfranchisement - qualifications, conditions, procedure; the right to a new lease - conditions, procedure, the granting of a new lease, estate mangement schemes; amendments and changes to the Leasehold Reform Act; the changes to the existing rights of long residential leaseholders - management audits, codes of management practice; public sector housing provisions - changes to the right to buy, rents to mortgages, new rights for secure tenants, delegation of council housing management; the functions of the Urban Regeneration Agency; commencement, jurisdiction and miscellaneous matters.