The Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003, due to receive Royal Assent in November 2003, is part of a major government initiative to combat anti-social behaviour. The bill introduces a number of measures to tackle a range of 'undesirable' behaviour including: - strengthening of existing sanctions of ASBOs and fixed penalties notices and supervision orders
- new powers to deal with premises that are used for drug dealing
- extended powers for tackling ASB in social housing including demoted tenancies and exclusion orders
- develops mechanisms for involving parents of those involved anti-social behaviour, including new powers for schools and LEAs in respect of truancy and exclusion
and - new powers for the police to designate areas where they can disperse groups causing intimidation. The Act employs both civil and criminal measures, and makes many changes to current legislation in such areas as housing, nuisance, youths and parental responsibility, public order controls, drug misuse and firearms. This Special Bulletin will guide the reader through the many changes and discuss what they will mean in practice. All professionals and advisers dealing with social housing, education, crime an