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Acting for Non-Resident Indian Clients 1st

ISBN13: 9780853086628
ISBN: 0853086621
Published: December 2004
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Indian communities have settled and thrived in the United Kingdom and many other commonwealth countries. The retention of ties with families remaining in India has meant that where family law issues arise they frequently have cross-border dimensions, for example, as to the validity of an Indian marriage. Domestic practitioners are ill-equipped to address such problems.

This handbook has been written specifically to assist the family lawyer acting for Indian clients. It describes relevant Indian law and religious custom, ranging from marriage to divorce and covering adoption and abduction and property issues. In addition, it explains the English law applicable to such matters.

The book cites a wealth of Indian case law that is otherwise not readily available to the non-Indian lawyer

Family Law
Hindu Law of Marriage
The Special Marriage Act 1954
Divorce Under The Hindu Marriage Act 1955
Maintenance, Disposal of Property and Custody of Children, under Hindu Law
The Divorce Act 1869
Child Abduction and Guardianship
Inter-Country Adoption in India
The Law of Wills and Succession.
Dissolution of Marriage in England and Wales