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Food Standards Regulation

ISBN13: 9780853086499
ISBN: 0853086494
Published: September 2000
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

A practical explanation of the system of food standards regulation in this country, focusing particularly on the changes introduced by the Food Standards Act 1999. It examines the powers of regulation and methods of enforcement of the new Food Standards Agency.;The Food Standards Agency, set up in April 2000 to regulate food safety and standards throughout the food chain, has powers to commission research and publish findings, regulate and monitor local authority enforcement, and even take over enforcement action in cases of failing authorities. The Agency will develop policy, provide advice to public authorities and the public, carry out research and have power of entry to carry out observations. All these issues are explored in this volume, which should be suitable for lawyers working for food retailers, suppliers and producers and those whose role it is to enforce the regulation.

Food Law
Historical development of food law and the Food Standards Agency; European and international regulation; the statutory control of food; central government regulation; local authority enforcement; the new Food Standards Agency; food agencies internationally. Appendices: Food Standards Act 1999; list of useful organizations and their Web sites.