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Unjust Enrichment and Countervailing Obligations

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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Corporate Banking Law isbn 9781845160654

Corporate Lending and Securities

ISBN13: 9780852976739
ISBN: 0852976739
New Edition ISBN: 1845160657
Published: February 2004
Publisher: Financial World Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This is a practical analysis of the legal nature of companies, the principal types of corporate lending and the inherent risks. The book provides both a legal definition of the rules of corporate lending and the techniques of assessing a business's financial condition and subsequent reporting and monitoring.

Also featured are control, recovery, insolvency and security in relation to corporates, and types and the taking of risks. Coverage includes the law applicable in England, Wales and Scotland.

Introduction to the financial strategies of corporates ; Types of borrower ;Introduction to corporate banking ; Short-term debt finance ; Medium to long-term debt finance ; Management buy outs ; Performance bonds and similar contracts guarantees ; Alternative forms of finance ; Monitoring and control of lending ; Facility letters and covenants ; Bad & doubtful debts ; Financial statements ; Evaluation and credit assessment of corporates ; Evaluation of corporates in different market sectors ; Risk rating and related pricing ; Introduction to security ; Fixed and floating charges ; Land ; Goods and produce as security ; Guarantees ; Stock and shares