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Sale of Goods Litigation 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780851219684
ISBN: 0851219683
Published: December 1994
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

All the important aspects of procedure involved in prosecuting or defending a sale of goods claim in the High Court or county court are examined thoroughly in this handbook. Rather than cover the substantive law, this book is designed to help solve the practical and procedural problems encountered in the litigation of a typical sale of goods claim. Its simple format means practitioners can refer easily to those parts of the text that are directly relevant to their client's case, having first identified the basis of the claim or defence. This latest edition covers: * the Rules of the Supreme Court and of the County Court as they apply to sale of goods actions * recent case law * changes made to take account of the increased jurisdiction of the county court * extensive precedents dealing with pleadings * checklists on procedural matters and on the elements of claims and defences Whether representing buyer or seller, any busy litigator requiring pertinent procedural advice on sale of goods claims should reach for a copy of this book.;* Explanation of the Rules of the Supreme Court and of the County Court Rules in so far as they apply to sale of goods actions * Extensive up-to-date precedents of pleadings and an explanation of how to use them * Checklists on procedural matters and on the elements of claims and defences * Case law has been updated and changes have been made to take account of the increased jurisdiction of the county court since the first edition * The text deals with the prosecution and defence of cases in the High Court and in the county court for both buyers and sellers

Preliminary Matters Formulating the Plaintiff's Claim Formulating the Defendant's Claim Procedure for the Plaintiff's Case Procedure for the Defendant's Case Appendix A: Standard Letters Appendix B: Forms