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Resolution of Banking Disputes

ISBN13: 9780851216447
ISBN: 0851216447
Published: May 1991
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This work outlines how to handle disputes over banking services, from establishing whether the customer or the bank has a valid claim, to determining the most appropriate way of resolving the dispute. This hands-on treatment in the widely used and respected Practitioner Series explains: * how the Banking and Building Societies' Ombudsmen scheme operates * how to obtain details of the data which a credit reference agency or bank holds on an individual * the remedies available if that information is incorrect or misleading Precedents and specimen letters, case references, a list of useful addresses and a glossary of banking terms are included, making for complete, practical treatment of the subject.

Part 1 Taking action against banks: planning the claim; the relationship between banker and customer; current accounts; cheques; other accounts; customer's accounts; payment accounts; other services; confidentiality; ombudsman schemes.
Part 2 Defending an action brought by a bank: proceedings for the recovery of unsecured debts; proceedings for the recovery of secured debts. Appendices: useful addresses; specimen letters; statement of means checklist; specimen court forms and orders; list of participants in the banking ombudsman scheme.